Friday, June 17, 2022

Eight Perfect Murders by Peter Swanson


Recently I read Peter Swanson's book Nine Lives and I thought it was terrific.  This led me to request another of his mysteries, Eight Perfect Murders.

When I started reading this one I felt it had too many similarites to the book Nine Lives.  It's defintely a different mystery, not a rehash, but some of the elements made me think about the previous book.

We start with a bookshop owner named Malcolm and a vivid description of the harsh winter snow storm.  A FBI agent calls Malcolm and asks to speak to him, arriving in the storm as he is about to close up the shop.  

She wants to chat with him about a blog post he'd made years ago called Eight Perfect Murders.  Seems someone is taking that list to heart with bodies turning up murdered exactly as the blog post outlined. Is it a serial killer?  Is it Malcolm?

The plot had possibilities but I found it fairly boring.  Not giving up on this author as Nine Lives was very good, IMO.  If you've read any of Swanson's books which would you suggest? If you've read Nine Lives, did you think about some of the similarities between the plot and ending?


  1. I've found I can't read too many of the same author - especially if it's the same series too close together or I end up not liking the other books. I've seen some iffy reviews on this one so I think I'll go with Nine Lives first and if I love that I will wait awhile before even thinking about picking this one up!

    1. Katherine, I would definitely go with Nine Lives and forget this book. I started a series called Dr Ruth Galloway and I'm almost donw with the second book - I see what you mean about following the same ones immediately.


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