Let's Read Classics!

My Classics Club List

  1. Braithwaite, E.R. - To Sir with Love
  2. Brin, David - The Postman
  3. Brittain, Vera - Testament of Youth (nonfiction)
  4. Bronte, Anne - Agnes Grey
  5. Bronte, Charlotte - Villette
  6. Bronte, Emily - Wuthering Heights
  7. Brookner, Anita - Hotel Du Lac
  8. Capote, Truman - Breakfast at Tiffany's 
  9. Christie, Agatha - And Then there Were None
  10. Collins, Wilkie - The Woman in White 
  11. Conrad, Joseph - The Heart of Darkness
  12. Du Maurier, Daphne - Scapegoat
  13. Fielding, Henry -Tom Jones
  14. Ford Madox Ford - The Good Soldier 
  15. Forster, E.M. - A Room with a View 
  16. Forster, E.M. - Howards End 
  17. Fowles, John - The Collector
  18. Frank, Anne - The Diary of a Young Girl
  19. Gaarder, Jostein - Sophie's World
  20. Gallico, Paul -The Snow Goose 
  21. Golden, Arthur - Memoirs of a Geisha
  22. Greene, Bette - The Summer of my German Soldier
  23. Greene, Graham - The Quiet American
  24. Hardy, Thomas - Tess of the D'urbervilles
  25. Heller, Joseph - Catch 22
  26. Heller, Joseph - Closing Time
  27. Hemingway, Ernest - A Moveable Feast (nonfiction)
  28. Hemingway, Ernest - Farewell to Arms
  29. Ishiguro, Kazuo -The Remains of the Day ✔
  30. James, Henry - Daisy Miller
  31. Kerouac, Jack - On the Road
  32. Lewis, Sinclair - It Can't Happen Here 
  33. Lindsay, Joan - Picnic at Hanging Rock
  34. Magorian, Michelle - Goodnight, Mr. Tom
  35. Maugham, W. Somerset - Of Human Bondage
  36. McCullough, Colleen - The Thorn Birds ✔
  37. Michener, James - Chesapeake
  38. Orwell, George - The Road to Wigan Pier (nonfiction)
  39. Plath, Sylvia - The Bell Jar
  40. Remarque, Erich - All Quiet on the Western Front
  41. Shute, Nevil - A Town Like Alice
  42. Steinbeck, John - The Pearl
  43. Styron, William - Sophie's Choice 
  44. Tolstoy, Leo - The Death of Ivan Ilyich
  45. Vonnegut, Kurt - Slaughterhouse Five
  46. Waugh, Evelyn - Brideshead Revisited 
  47. Wilder, Laura Ingells - Little House on the Prairie
  48. Wilder, Laura Ingells - Little House in the Big Woods 
  49. Wodehouse, P.G. - My Man Jeeves
  50. Woolf, Virginia - Mrs. Dalloway
My projected goal to complete this list will be December 30, 2029 but I hope to finish sooner.  


  1. I have The Thorn Birds on my list to read, Good luck with your list. I never feel bad about taking a book off my list that isn't working for me and trying something else.

    1. Deb, I would read that with you. Or any others that overlap your list. February I am doing a buddy read with JoAnn for Testament of Youth. Maybe we can plan something :-)


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