Wednesday, December 18, 2024

The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro

The Remains of the Day is a story about a seemingly cold unfeeling butler named Stevens and his reminiscing of days past.  It's more than that as you'll realize his memories are not so much flawed but, for him, a realization of what he missed out in his life. 

I know there is a movie based on this book but I have not seen it.  That said, knowing Anthony Hopkins stars as our main character Stevens, I heard his voice and accent throughout the book.

In 1956 Stevens' current employer, Mr. Farraday, insists he take a holiday, giving persmission to use his car while he is on  a trip to the U.S.  While Stevens drives through the English countryside he thinks back to war time when he was employed by Lord Darlington. The language is very formal and you get a clear image of the character displaying the utmost self control, even as he reminisces.  I enjoyed reading about his working relationship with head housekeeper Miss Kenton as he travels toward her home in south England. It's been decades since he'd worked with her but he has fond memories. He is about to be enlightened by what "could have been" when he finally arrives in her village.

If a person is shaped by their upbringing then Stevens is the ultimate example of controlling his emotions and showing zero empathy. Loyalty to the man he served is of the utmost importance, something he learned from his father who was considered one of the best butlers of his day.  Sadly, this transfers to personal relationships as well.  

When his father's health takes a turn for the worse you won't find any warmth between father and son.  I could feel the cold exchange between Stevens and his elderly father regarding the change of duties and thought it very sad. It’s hard enough to let a parent know their health or memory is failing but I’ve had warmer conversations with strangers.  

Dignity is clearly one of the cornerstones of Stevens' profession and his explanation of what distinguishes a butler from a manservant was interesting. 

"It is sometimes said that butlers only truly exist in England.  Other countries, whatever title is actually used, have only manservants.  I tend to believe this is true. Continentals are unable to be butlers because they are a breed incapable of the emotional restraint which only the English race are capable of."

Regret comes with reflection and sadly for Stevens, he makes this realization so very late in life.

"Looking back so much...I should adopt a more postive outlook and try and make the best of what remains of my day. After all, what can we ever gain in forever looking back and blaming ourselves if our lives have not turned out quite as might have wished?"

This is not a fast paced book but one which captures the memories and considerations of an aged man who gave his life entirely to serving his employer. 

 This is the third book I have read by Ishiguro and my first for the Classics Club.

Sharing Joy's Book Blog for Britsh Isles Friday.


  1. I'm putting together a list of books to borrow from the library (I very rarely go to my library) and will add this one since I've always intended to read it. Your review has convinced me that now is the time! Do watch the movie, if you get a chance. Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson are outstanding!

    1. Les, I will probably watch the movie now that I have finished. I heard Hopkins voice when reading and I sure felt sorry for him.

  2. I loved this book. Loved it. Loved the characters, stuck, defined by their positions, unable to break out, not even when their worldviews are challenged. The movie is wonderful, too.

    Congratulations on finishing your first book for the Classics Club, Tina!

    1. Deb, thanks so much! I think i picked a good one to start on my list. Talking about sticking by their positions I liked the scene where Stevens' father was driving the obnoxious men around and how he stopped the car when his employer was insulted. I could picture that.

    2. There was so much pride in serving. And yet it seemed to be expected rather than appreciated.

  3. That's interesting that Anthony Hopkins inhabited your brain, even without seeing the movie. Congratulations on completing your first book for the Classics Club!

    1. Joy, I have seen the DVD cover with Hopkins and Emma Thompson so that colored my impression. Thanks much, I am excited about the classics on my list!

  4. Great review, Tina. I really enjoyed this one, too, and gave it 4.5 stars. I'd planned to watch the movie last week, but got caught up in Christmas prep. Maybe this week?

    1. JoAnn, thank you. It was slow going and he was so proper and focused, even in his personal time. I need to watch the movie now :-)

  5. This sounds like it would be a good choice for my slow read for next year. I've heard of this book but never fully new what it was about.

    1. Katherine, it's a slow read and he goes into so much detail. It goes back and forth between two time periods.

  6. Stevens is a cold fish and has much to regret. He is just too dutiful -- he thinks that's all that matters, but he fails to various people and even his country and himself. I hope you can find the movie DVD at the library; it's very good. Poor Miss Kenton!

    1. Susan, I felt bad for him at the end, realizing how life might have gone. I know he did that to himself, I suppose we all have regrets about some things. I agree about Miss Kenton...Emma Thompson will be amazing in that role so I do need to get the movie.


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