Showing posts with label Nigella Lawson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nigella Lawson. Show all posts

Monday, February 22, 2021

Cook, Eat, Repeat by Nigella Lawson

 I am a huge fan of Nigella Lawson and love her cookbooks.  Some more than others and I was anxious to get a copy of her latest cookbook.  Thanks to an advanced readers copy I was able to peruse her recipes and memoir style writing in Cook, Eat, Repeat.

This is a photo from the book, not my creation.  Sadly I never get the photogenic shots to do it justice.

Nigella writes about starting this book in one world and finishing in another. We all remember what it was like pre-pandemic and how things were different.  This book was produced with a foot in both worlds.

She speaks aboout self-isolation and wonders when we may dine with friends again, learning from the lockdown and daily ways to find pleasure.  She speaks about lasagna and says don't limit it to "occasions' and we ceratinly do not do that in our home.  Doug and I have it whenever we want, but mostly when the weather deems we need a hearty rib sticking meal.

There are many good recipes in this book and I of course gravitated to the chicken with orzo and lemon. My favorite flavors and ingredients...

For vegetarinan fare there are loads of recipes such as spiced bulger wheat with roasted veggies, Vegan polenta cake, Tuscan bean soup and more.

Publication date is 15 June 2021. 

Genre: Biographies and Memoirs; Cooking, Food and Wine; nonfiction

Much thanks to Netgalley for the ARC.  I was not compensated for my review and opinions are mine.

Sharing with Joy's Book blog for British Isles Friday 

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Nigella Lawson's Christmas Pudding Hunt for 2020

Nigella Lawson is one of my favorite cooks and I love each and every cookbook she has written.  Did you know she does a contest during the Christmas holidays?

Nigella’s Christmas Pudding Hunt started again and I was way late to the party.  You can still sign up and play along.  Click on the link HERE and sign in to your Nigella account or start one up if you like.  There is a link for logging in via Facebook but I am not a FB member so, I can't advise you there.

Here is one of the clues.  It's fun looking for the correct recipe and if you win, yoou'll receive a dynamite gift basket!  Maybe a cookbook too.

The prize is a Christmas hamper filled with goodies.

I wish I had remembered to look for her annual prize hunt earlier in Decemeber but, as I said, it's easy to catch up and play along.

Classic Club Spin

Since joining the Classics Club I have managed to read two from my list, so that's going well.  Today I will be participating in my firs...