Friday, September 6, 2024

Peter Heller and Nigel Slater

Last week's post inspired me to make a new reading list for fall.  More on that later as I round it out.

Here is my update of Nigel Slater's The Kitchen Diaries.  Funny I started up with this again in the middle of the year. 

I finished reading the diary entries for August and decided to make a white bean soup. Nigel has an entry with photo of a white bean salad sitting on greens with lots of garlic.  No matter that it's quite hot where I am, I have always liked soup so I thought I'd adapt the ingredients.  Today it's rainy so this worked out well.

I used great northern beans, garlic, onion, spinach and oregano. Loved it and everything was in the pantry and fortuitously a bag of baby spinach in the fridge. Now I am reading his September entries.  It's getting cool in his London garden and I'll take some of that weather here please.

Reading: This week I read Burn by Peter Heller.

Jess and Storey grew up together with Jess spending more time at Storey's home than his own.  They are more brothers than friends, going off on hunting and fishing trips several times a year.  The beginning of this plot has them coming off a two week moose hunt in Maine, far out in the wilderness with no knowledge an uprising has taken place.

The first town they come to is burned to the ground, houses smoking, bridges blown up and a few bodies strewn in the streets as they were shot down trying to escape something. Boats in the harbor remained untouched so they cautiously look for supplies in the boats.  As they move on, carefully sticking to the woods and staying off the road, they search for a cell signal and news of what could have happened.  Eventually from their hidden spot in the wood line on a hill, they see a woman in a small boat, obviously rowing as fast as she can when a black helicopter appears and cuts her down.  What is going on?

This is a dystopian novel yet a plot involving a succesionist movement that could have been all too real during the trump presidency. It plays out slowly and in my opinion didn't have an end to give you resolution.  The excellent author that he is, perhaps he left it to us as readers to figure out the many possible outcomes.  I didn't give away the story here and there are some surprises in store.  The flashbacks gave us Jess and Storey's background, lots of ruminating on Jess's part about why his marriage failed and unnecessary memories about a situation involving Storey's mother.  That last part added nothing to the development of the story in my opinion. Rounded up to 4 stars.

Finally, Loki using his stuffed tiger as a makeshift pillow.

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  1. I looked both books up and they both sound good. The recipe looks yummy, and Loki is adorable! I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks, Vicki. The recipes in Slater's book ae probably more suited to cooler climates but there rae some that have always worked for me. Hope your weekend is fun!

    2. The weather has never bothered me no matter the temperature outside because I keep my house at 72° all year round.

    3. I agree with you! Soup is a good meal and it's always cool inside the house :-)

  2. I read Peter Heller's The Dog Stars a while back. It, too, is a dystopia, but I thought it was a good picture of a dark world. (My review is here if you are interested: I've been curious about Burn, so I'm really glad you have reviewed it for us. I'm not sure it's a book for me, but I will pass along your review to my son who is on a dystopia reading streak.

    And you have inspired me to come up with a fall reading list. Thank you, Tina.

    1. Deb, if your son likes books ikie this he may enjoy The Light Pirate y Lily Brooks-Dalton. That's about the hurricanes and storms that become so bad over years that Florida is reloacting people and becomes nearly uninhabitable. It was pretty good.

      Thanks for the review link for Dog Stars, I will go read that.

    2. I will share that one with him, too. The Light Pirate definitely sounds like a story he would like. He is very into apocalyptic stories now.

    3. I really liked that book, The Light Pirate. Hope your son likes it!

  3. Nice to see your dog enjoying his stuffed toy!
    I enjoy making a meal out of the odds and ends in the refrigerator. But a cookbook can be nice too.

    1. Tank you, Harvee! I just made another soup from everything in the fridge. Orphan vegetables :-)

  4. The soup looks delicious - I am also will eat soup anytime of the year person. Your dog looks precious! Have a wonderful weekend. ☺️

    1. I agree about year round soup. We eat hot meals anyway and soup is so good!

  5. The white bean soup sounds amazing!

    1. Olivia, it was soooo good. thanks for visiting :-)

  6. The Kitchen Diaries sounds interesting. Have a great weekend!

  7. Burn does sound like a good read. I am not sure if I have read anything by Heller before, although I think The Dog Stars is one I have considered reading. Loki looks so adorable! My cat Gracie was laying near my bookshelf yesterday and had her head on the shelf. I wondered if it could be at all comfortable given how hard and edgy it is, but she didn't seem to mind. I hope you have a great weekend and week ahead!

    1. Wendy, I have read almost all of Heller and am just finishing up The Orchard. That's more unusal for his style but I like it. It's nice having a reading companion around the house. We haven't had cats in years but ours would contort in the oddest angles I also wondered how he could be comfortable!

  8. The Kitchen Diaries sounds really good! And your soup looks delicious. I love soup and I can't wait for good soup making weather.

    1. Erin, you must be getting into nice fall weather now - soup would be perfect!

  9. I could eat soup every day of the year, no matter the temperature and your bowl here looks delicious!The type of soup changes with the season though and now I'm looking forward to making my first batch of Butternut Bisque. I've never read Peter Heller, but now of many readers who love him.

    1. JoAnn, I feel the same about sous. Butternut bisque sunds amazing and if you could, would you post the recie or send a link? I'd love that for fall. I think I have read all of Heller and am reading The Orchard now. Never did review Dog Stars though, I ought to do that or refresh myself on that one.

    2. Tina - The butternut bisque recipe I use if from an old Susan Branch cookbook. I posted the recipe for Weekend Cooking back in 2014! Here's the post, you may have to copy and paste:

  10. I'm like weather will not stop me from eating a good soup! That one you made looks delicious. I'm excited to read Burn one fine day. Loki is adorable as usual! His little tiger...

    1. Jinjer, I made another soup this week tto. A beef vegetable soup and a fresh baguette.

  11. That white bean soup looks delicious! I to make soup during the cooler months. I'll have to look up some recipes. I wouldn't have thought Burn was a dystopian novel. I like to have an ending nice and wrapped up, so I don't think this would be for me. Happy to hear you enjoyed it overall! Have a great week, Tina!

    1. Rachel, thanks. I love soup in most varoties I can make. Probably Burn wouldn't be for you if you like it wrapped up.

  12. I’m now going to have make that recipe. Happy Sunday.

  13. I should think about a fall reading list, but I mostly ignore them when I write them, ahaha. It's a fun process, though!

    I like soup when it's hot, it feels like I do better at eating it when I have a poor appetite from the heat. Looks good!

    1. Nicky, I love making a list and mostly I do follow through.

  14. Awwe Loki and his tiger are so cute. I'm craving getting back to cooking lately. For the past month I've barely cooked at all and before that for the last few months I was relying on Hello Fresh. I love Hello Fresh but there's something about old favorite recipes and things like that.

    1. Thank you, Katherine. We spoil him of course :-) I agree about the cooking, it's good to get basic recipes out and do some old favorites. I made a beef vegetable soup yesterday and it's better today having sat overnight.

  15. That soup sounds delicious! My husband would enjoy it if I added some Italian sausage or kielbasa. :)

    Burn is on my list, but I'm glad I'm not trying to read it right now. We are traveling through so many burned areas from the fires in Oregon and Idaho! The smoke was terrible in Central Oregon, but it's better now that we're east of Boise.

    Happy reading, my friend!

    1. Les, you could add sausage and it would be a good blend taste wise.

      Burn hasn't been my favorite of the Heller books but he's such a good author. Hard to put any of his down.

  16. Sorry, did I miss commenting on this post? Drats. Loki looks peaceful .. and content. So perhaps you liked The Orchard more than Burn, right? I'll keep that in mind when I get to them. I just got another dystopian one from the library by Leif Enger ... called I Cheerfully Refuse. I haven't started it yet ... but it could be good. We'll see.

    1. Susan, I did like The Orchard more than Burn but I was never tempted to bail on Burn. I just looked up I Cheerfully Refuse on Goodreads and added it. That needs to go on my fall reading list.


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