This historical fiction centers around Bletchley Park in Buckinghamshire. You will go back and forth between London and the Bletchley Park during the years 1940 and 1947. The three main characters are Olsa Kendall, a high society debutante who is dismissed as a silly rich girl, yet is fluent in German and French and is an ace code breaker.
Mab Churt is a dynamite 5'11" woman with a mission to better herself from her poor east London childhood. She has a few secrets which are slowly revealed. Mab is also recruited to break German codes. The third woman is Beth Finch and I can tell you ahead of time, you are really going to hate her mother! Beth starts off as a wallflower but her skills and dedication are astounding.
Three women from such different backgrounds who would never cross paths otherwise form an interesting friendship. To complicate their very complex lives comes the discovery of a traitor in their agency. It's a surprise, how it all works out.
The Enigma codebreakers worked tirelessly to serve ther country and can't talk about it to anyone. All the workers recruited, both military and civilan, signed an oath of secrecy. They couldn't talk to one another about what they worked on if they were assigned to different departments or Huts. As you can imagine, this would create problems in their personal relationships outside of Bletchley Park.
The characters were very well developed; the supporting characters included Prince Phillip (before his betrothal to Elizabeth), the mathmatical genuis Alan Turing and many historical figures woven into the storyline.
This advanced copy of The Rose Code was provided to me from LibraryThing and I was not compensated for the review. I loved this book. Be sure to look for a copy when it's published by Harper Collins on June 18, 2021.
Linking up with Marg at The Intrepid Reader for the 2021 Historical Reader Challenge and Joy for British Isles Friday.