First off, my sympathies to Susan for the loss of your father. I am so sorry for your loss, you remain in my thoughts.
Here at home I have been inside a bit due to a 200 acre controlled burn which was choking. That meant reading and puzzling. No complaints there but not getting a proper walk in was disappointing. Prior to the fires we did manage a short trip to St Mark's Lighthouse with Loki. Photos later...
This week I finished two books.
Three Days in June by Anne Tyler
Eight Hundred Grapes by Laura Dave
As advertised, it's a family drama in a Sonoma California setting featuring a family vineyard. I enjoyed this book very much. A close family with believeable disagreements and interactions. The reviews for this book are all over the place but I read it every chance I got. The workings of the vineyard, what it meant to the children growing up there and how they feel about it as adults when it looks like the father is about to give it all up.
There is also the drama of Georgia getting thrown for a loop when she sees her fiance walking down the street with his former girlfriend (a superstar actress) and a 5 year old little girl. Obviously there is an explanation. Some good quotes within and I liked this one:
"You really shouldn't live your life doing what you think you should do."
Perfect time for every family member to evaluate where they are with current life choices and make changes. 4.5 stars
Currently Reading
Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh
and Stanley Tucci's What I Ate in One Year.
Abandoned: The Postman by David Brin. It was on my classics list and it's also apocalyptic so I was going to add that to my Apocalyptic tab page above. π I read up to the 29% point when an organized dog fighting scene was introduced. Possibly it's just the one scene but considering the descriptions of the people gathered and betting, considering the fall of society, I thought I'd just stop. I am a tender hearted person regarding animals, fiction or not, I don't want to read about abuse.
I'll need to replace that title on my Classics Club list.
That's it for me right now. I hope you had a good reading week.
Sharing with Deb at Readerbuzz for Sunday Salon.