Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Nebraska trip and catching up

I never. Want to fly. Again. ✈    Getting to Nebraska wasn't too awful, except the exceptionally high prices for food in the airport. It was so good to see the kids and my sweet granddaughter after a year and we sure had fun.

Getting home had it's challenges with delays in a flight and more babies and young children on one flight from Atlanta to Tallahassee than we have ever experienced. A late flight means cranky kids.....yikes!

I know most folks have cable or some tv feed but as we don't, I was so happy to watch baseball at the hotel one evening!

Before we left we had a good DVD from the library.  It's a PBS show titled Pompeii: The New Dig.  It's in three one hour segments and was very interesting.

I posted about Crocktober fest earlier, check that out HERE if interested in slow cooker meals.

I only finished one book this month - Within Arm's Reach by Ann Napolitano

That's it.  Driving to Memphis to look at that area this week. Hope you all are well, have good books and loving life!

Sharing with Deb at Readerbuzz for Sunday Salon.


  1. Be careful in Memphis. We lived there for 6 months and have to return regularly and I'm not a fan of the area. We lived in Midtown and the security in our building was super high (as was the rent) but even with that there was one night where about 15 cars got broken into in the parking lot which was part of a spree were about 150 cars were hit in the area. We regularly get updates about shootings and other issues near the St Jude campus. The Pompeii video looks so good! I'm fascinated by Pompeii. Glad you made it back to Tallahassee safe. I hope you're having a wonderful week!

    1. Katherine, we aren't interested in Memphis as it's too big and that would be awful for Doug's astronomy as well. But thanks for the advice, very much appreciated!
      We looked at a small town outside that area but close enough to drive to memphis for medical stuff or big shopping.
      We are just back from an 8 hour drive and I am tired!

  2. I'm glad you had a good time in Nebraska, but sorry about the issues with flying. We have only flown once since we left Lincoln in 2017. I am so glad we have our RV for travel, although we're due for another trip out to visit our daughter in Franklin, TN before too long.

    It's been a fun year of baseball, hasn't it? We big Dodger fans in this house, so we were glued to our seats during the play-offs, biting our nails when they played the Padres and the Mets. We'll be back on the road this Friday, so I'm going to have to download an app so we can at least listen to the Series.

    Good luck with your trip to Memphis. Hey! That's only 200 miles from Franklin. Maybe we'll be able to meet up someday. :)

    1. Les, Nebraska was fun we had such a good visit. Can't believe it had been a year since we saw the kids and granddaughter. We didn't mind the drive and it was nicer than flying when we went to Tennessee last week. Just home now. Tired.

      We were able to see the first two games of the series while in a hotel in TN and wow!!! A grand slam! Now that we are home we won't be able to see the other games. Ugh.
      You never know, we may meet up one day!

    2. Tina, I signed up for a trial subscription to Youtube Live so we could watch the games while we're on the road. (My mom has a MLB subscription at home.) You could try YouTube Live if you're really interested.

  3. Flying seems to have been a problem lately. I'm not sure why.

    But getting to spend time with family is worth it.

    How did I miss Within Arm's Reach? I need to look for it. And I wish I'd participated in Crocktoberfest.

    1. Deb, we liked the drive to TN much better. If we move we will be 8 hours closer to family. That shaves a day off travel!

    2. I bet a drive to Tennessee, especially at this time of the year, would be lovely!

    3. The drive wasn't too bad. Loved the fall colors starting to show there.

  4. I'm glad you had such a good time in Nebraska, but have to agree with you about flying... it is not a pleasant experience! You must be in Memphis now. Hope you like what you see, I've never been to that area.

    1. JoAnn, we just got home. Eight hour drive and I speed - ha! There is a for sale sign in the front of the property and we are looking at several houses to maybe put an offer on. It's been crazy with our schedule these past two weeks I can relax and read again!

  5. Yeah flying can be a pain especially if not a direct flight. I hope you are enjoying your trip to Memphis. I look forward to hearing about it. I have been there only once long ago. Pompei looks good - I love archaeology. And we're watching the World Series these days ... We are pulling for the Dodgers ... as we don't pull for the Yankees as my mother was a big Red Sox fan. Maybe you can get it on radio?

    1. Susan, I was serious about not flying again if we can help it. Driving to Tennessee was not that bad and we would do that again. We didn't get into Memphis as we were looking at communities outside the city. With Doug's astronomy we needed something darker. Found some homes we liked but depends on how our house selling.

      I was checking the news on the phone about the game last night and saw a few videos. I'm a Phillies fan but we are hoping for the Dodgers as well!!

  6. I haven't flown in years, partly because it's such an unpleasant experience. We're currently not traveling at all, so there's no temptation. How was Memphis? I've only driven through it, but my brother enjoys traveling there. It's only a few hours from the St. Louis area.

    1. Joy, the flying was unpleasant yet a quick way to get to Nebraska. If we move to TN. that will be 8 hours closer to our son so we will definitely drive. Memphis was great, but we stayed mostly in the small tiwns surrounding it.

  7. Ugh. Flying is the worst. Even if you're not terrified of it like I am, the whole PROCESS of it is such a pain. I'm glad you at least had a good time with the kids and grandbaby!

    I would like to see Pompeii in person. Sometimes I end up on the Pompeii side of TikTok and that sh*t is fascinating! What did I see recently...oh! It was these boat dock things where like 300 people hunkered down to wait for boats to come and take them to safety but unfortunately, the volcano killed them before the boats could get there. So bizarre to see their preserved bodies in those recessed boat docks or whatever they are...oh, boatsheds. Were those mentioned in your DVD? Might be one of the newer excavations. Not sure.

    1. Jinjer, it really was awful and we have decided to drive when we need or want to go places. If we can move north we closer to the kiddos so, that's a perc.

      I didn't see the boatshed part but this video/DVD was from last year I think. It's mostly Italian with subtitles but there is English narration and some English speakers. It was indeed fascinating!!

  8. Sorry your flight wasn't a good as you would have liked. I've never had issues with children thank goodness.

    1. Vicki, it's just a hassle sitting around an airport for hours and misbehaved people and children, all ages. We will drive next time.


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