Showing posts with label Covid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Covid. Show all posts

Friday, August 23, 2024

I'm ready to read

My big plan for this week was to post about a couple of new books I had but I was sidelined by Covid. My husband got it first which of course meant I got it two days later. It's been a rough week, especially when food supplies dwindled.

We can't get delivery of anything here but when I was alert enough to make the 25 mile round-trip to the grocery store, I did manage to get groceries via an Instacart order. Thank you Jinjer for talking to me about Instacart! First time I have used it.  They were able to place our order for fresh vegetables and fruit directly into our hatch with no contact. What a blessing that was.  Ok, I am done whining....

Today I will do blog housekeeping.  See the list called Listopia on the right? 👉

If you are ever interested in books with a setting in a particular country (or an author specific to that country) just click on the hyperlink. Any books I have reviewed on this blog will take you to those posts. Looks like some countries need to be added from my tags.

Update since I posted this yesterday - If interested Peter Heller's book The Orchard is on'y $1 via Amazon for Kinlde.  Quite a deal HERE.

Tomorrow I am planning on starting September by Rosamunde Pilcher. Then I will see about a books-of-summer roundup and decide what books I fancy in autumn.

That's about's a photo of Loki chilling out with me on the sofa.  He's a good boy,  knows how to relax and is never without his tiger. 🐅

I will be visiting and catching up on blogs over the next few days.  You all weren't forgotten :-) Wishing you good health and good reading.

Sharing with Deb at Readerbuzz for Sunday Salon.