Friday, August 23, 2024

I'm ready to read

My big plan for this week was to post about a couple of new books I had but I was sidelined by Covid. My husband got it first which of course meant I got it two days later. It's been a rough week, especially when food supplies dwindled.

We can't get delivery of anything here but when I was alert enough to make the 25 mile round-trip to the grocery store, I did manage to get groceries via an Instacart order. Thank you Jinjer for talking to me about Instacart! First time I have used it.  They were able to place our order for fresh vegetables and fruit directly into our hatch with no contact. What a blessing that was.  Ok, I am done whining....

Today I will do blog housekeeping.  See the list called Listopia on the right? 👉

If you are ever interested in books with a setting in a particular country (or an author specific to that country) just click on the hyperlink. Any books I have reviewed on this blog will take you to those posts. Looks like some countries need to be added from my tags.

Update since I posted this yesterday - If interested Peter Heller's book The Orchard is on'y $1 via Amazon for Kinlde.  Quite a deal HERE.

Tomorrow I am planning on starting September by Rosamunde Pilcher. Then I will see about a books-of-summer roundup and decide what books I fancy in autumn.

That's about's a photo of Loki chilling out with me on the sofa.  He's a good boy,  knows how to relax and is never without his tiger. 🐅

I will be visiting and catching up on blogs over the next few days.  You all weren't forgotten :-) Wishing you good health and good reading.

Sharing with Deb at Readerbuzz for Sunday Salon.


  1. I hope you're feeling 100% very soon! I started reading September a couple of days ago and am thoroughly engrossed. Pilcher is such a wonderful writer. Loki looks very chill! :)

    1. Les, we are slowly getting there. It's been a week and now it's the fatigue and coughing left. Yucky. But I can read now and I agree, Pilcher is wonderful.

  2. Listopia is a good idea but my blog has too many posts to go back and count. Nice settings for your reads

    1. Harvee, I use a tag for the country every time I post so it was just a matter of adding the feture. Thank you!

  3. Covid seems to be everywhere around here. I'm so sorry that you and your husband are down for the count, but I'm glad you were able to get groceries.

    Hope you love September! You really timed that well, Tina.

    1. Deb, Pilcher immerses you straight into her world and I am loving it. Perfect for sittig around recovering. Covid is rampant right now and I feel very sorry for anyone who gets it.

  4. Awww love seeing Loki and his tiger! Rover has one that he loves that he actually hasn't destroyed yet. I hope you are feeling better. I've only had covid once but it was not fun. Glad you were able to get the food situation sorted with instacart. I really need to reread September. It has been way too long since I've read it.

    1. Katherine, that tiger has to go Eveywhere with him! For rides, to bed, outside to sit in the sun.
      Thank you for the good wishes. It's hitting people hard this year.

  5. I know people who got COVID around here in the last couple of weeks, too. I hope you're feeling better soon.

    1. Joy, stay safe! I will be off to check out your #BriFri posts and Sunday Salon today.

  6. I’m so sorry to hear about COVID hitting you both and I hope you recover quickly. I’m really looking forward to getting my next booster when it’s available here in Canada.

    1. Thank you very much and recovery is slow but sure! I will get my booster in December for certain.

  7. So sorry to hear about you and Doug, I hope you both are over it soon. It's going around here too but I don't go out unless I have to. Loki is so cute, and so is his tiger :) I started using Instacart when Covid first hit and I'm still using it for Kroger since there isn't a physical store near me. I lived in Ohio until I was 30 yrs, old and I always shopped at Kroger. I hope you both feel better soon!

    1. Thank you, Vicki. We had never used the instacart feature before and I thought it was only for delivery so we never bothered. That is news to me as well, that you can shop at Koger if you've not one near you. I supoose that's mail or delivery?

      My old grocery store was Acme in the south Philly area. Loki says hello :-)

    2. Kroger is delivery. I also had Wal-Mart & Publix but there are physical stores 1 & 2 miles from my house so I didn't renew them. But... with this new Covid variant I'm thinking about getting them again.

  8. I'm sorry to hear you've been sick. I'm currently fighting off a cold. Again. Being sick is no fun at all.

    1. Mark, you have had some bad luck with colds lately. I hope you feel better soon!

  9. Ugh! I hope you are both feeling better!

  10. Oh yuck, so sorry that you all got Covid! I hope you are feeling better soon. Have a great week!

  11. I hope you are all over Covid already or soon! We found Instacart earlier this year and it has helped so much. We were surprised we could use it in our rural area but it really helps me with my autoimmune issues because some days I can get things done and other days I'm just too achy or tired.

    I hope you get some more reading in this week.

    1. Lisa, do you get delivery in your area for instacart? that would be great. I inderstand why this option is a good one for you. Yes to reading more!! Thank you for visiting.

  12. I'm glad Jinjer helped you get set up with Instacart. This round of Covid seemed worse to me than when we got it last summer - the cough and fatigue lasted all of two weeks. Hope both you and Doug are back to 100% soon. I read the beginning of September last night... it's going to be so good. I can tell already!!

    1. JoAnn, at least I could get to the grocery store and not go inside! It was a life saver, the instacart :-) Doug and I are getting better and he is a few days ahed of me so, he has started slowly back to walking.
      I am loving September and look forward to being immersed i the Scottish lifestyle!

  13. Yayyyyy!!!!! That makes me SO HAPPY that you were able to order your groceries online and pick them up. If you can't get delivery, that's the next best thing! There was no delivery to my Mom's house in Arkansas, either, but at least I could order groceries online and go pick them up at Walmart. It really saves you time and when you're sick as a dog and have no energy to walk around a grocery store, it's a lifesaver! Hope you both are feeling much better by now.

    That Listopia feature on your sidebar is really cool and Loki is adorable with his tiger.

    1. Jinjer, it was a very good thing and we are so happy to have gotten supplies without interaction with any innocent souls who are healthy!! Thanks for the suggestion.

      Loki says hello and glad you like the Listopia :-)

  14. Loki looks very comfortable, lol. Sorry to hear about your Covid debacle. Getting that again would be awful. I hope it's over now and you feel all right. Are you liking the Pilcher book? They increased the Heller book before I could snap it up ... but it's okay I can still get it from the library. And I'm on the wait list for his new novel Burn. Have a great week.

    1. Susan, loved the Pilcher book and it's a great followup to The Shell Seekers. That's too bad about the Heller book. I am planning on The Orchard and Burn by Heller for fall reading.
      Thank you for your good wishes :-)

  15. COVID is miserable. I hope you and your husband are feeling better. What a nightmare to be sick and not have a way to restock on food easily. I am glad you were able to use Instacart when you were feeling up to traveling to the store. September by Rosamunde Pilcher seems to be a popular choice for starting off the month. :-) I will have to keep it in mind, maybe for next year! Loki is adorable--and looks so comfortable. I hope you have a good week, Tina!

    1. LT, thank you so much for your kind comment. It was a bit of a helpless feeling trying to figure out food and not infect others! Loki was a good companion, always is, and it was nice to have him snuggle. September was fantastic. If you like Pilcher I recommend this one.


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A rainy Sunday

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