Monday, September 2, 2024

My Books of Summer List

 I joined up with Cathy at 746 Books for her summer reading challenge and while I didn't complete my orginal list, I did read ten books.  I had a DNF with North Woods by Daniel Mason, substituted The Girl Returned by Donatella Di Pietrantonio for Women in Translation Month and couldn't get my hands on Long Island or The Alternatives on time.

The longest book was September at 613 pages and most others averaged 325 pages+

  1. The Night of the Flood by Zoe Somerville (352 pages)
  2. Ask Again, Yes by Mary Beth Keane (388 pages)
  3. A Time Remembered by Olga Gruhzit-Hoyt
  4. September by Rosamunde Pilcher (613 pages) - buddy read!
  5. Dear Edward by Ann Napolitano (340 pages)
  6. Whale Fall by Elizabeth O'Conner (224 pages)
  7. Forgotten on Sunday by Valerie Perrin (316 pages)
  8. Long Island by Colm Toibin
  9. The Alternatives by Caoilinn Hughes
  10. Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand by Helen Simonson (379 pages)
  11. North Woods by Daniel M
  12. The Girl Returned by Donatella Di Pietrantonio (167 pages)
  13. Trust Her by Flynn Berry (304 pages)
  14. The Half Moon by Mary Beth Keane (304 pages)

My favorites were September, and Ask Again, Yes.  Excellent stories. It was fun to enjoy a buddy read with JoAnn and Les for September :-)

My fall reading list includes the couple I did not get to as well as many other titles.  It was fun to make a list and I had some great reading! Please click on the titles/hyperlink if you'd like to read a review.  I never give spoilers.

Sharing with Deb at Readerbuzz for Sunday Salon and Cathy at 746 Books


  1. I am terrible at following reading lists, but I do enjoy making them! I think that's part of the fun. :-) You did really well getting through your list, Tina, and it sounds like you read quite a few good ones! I see you enjoyed September. I am glad to see that!

    1. LT, I am always making a list of some sort. The reading list helped me this year, stay focused on the ones I have been meaning to read.

  2. Well done, Tina! September was such an enjoyable read. It seems like you just can't go wrong with a Rosamunde Pilcher novel. Ask Again, Yes was a 5-star read for me a couple of years ago - loved it. On to our fall reading... I need to make a new list!

    1. JoAnn, I am preparing a list now. I have two Peter heller nnovels I am interested in and hope to get the Claire Lombardo book from the library. September was great!

  3. You had a good summer of reads! I forgot all about The Alternatives which I had wanted to put on my list at one time ... though now that I checked it has a pretty low rating on Goodreads (3.47) but perhaps that's a bum wrap? I'm impressed you polished off the long Pilcher novel - way to go. I'm still up for a buddy read of My Brilliant Friend in November if you want to. Cheers.

    1. Thank you, Susan. I hope to get The Alternatives sometime this month. I take the reviews with a grain of salt as many times I will feel just the opposite of others. I'll love a book and a majority gives it 2 stars. Or vice versa :-)

      I am absolutely up for a buddy read of My Brillant Friend. We don't have family here or obligations for the hectic Thanksgiving time and I am good anytime in November.

  4. I almost never stick to my original lists with challenges, but a list does keep me going in the right direction. With a summer list, sometimes books don't arrive at my library in time for me to read them during the allotted time. I barely got in the Amy Tan bird book; the publisher underestimated this book, and didn't print enough initially, I heard.

    1. Deb, you are so correct that a list keeps me focused and I swap titles out as some good ones arrive at the library or a good sale for kindle. I'm looking forward to the Amy Tan book you wrote about. Our library has it on order.

  5. You had a great summer of reading. Nice list. I wanted to do this challenge, but my schedule was too crazy this year.

    1. Yvonne, I love the challenge of making my list and completing but there surely are times it doesn't work out. Thanks for visiting!

  6. September looks like the perfect kind of read for this season! Great job knocking out your summer reading challenge, Tina!

    1. Thank you, Rachel. It was just under the line that I got my ten books in!

  7. I only read 12 (of my 20) books for the Summer Reading Challenge, and only 4 of those were on my original list. Definitely not as good as my results last summer, but I still read a lot of great books, so who cares! I enjoyed our buddy read of September, and apologize once again for taking so long to finish. Here's to fall and lots of great books!

    1. Les, I substitued books as well. I agree with you, as long as you enjoyed good reading that is the point. :-)

      No need to apologize. I think I had the wrong date in my head when you were going to start the book. I was a week off so we got started before you!


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