Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Thoughts about bookish goals.....

 Here we are ushering in the end of November with December creeping up rapidly.  Or so it seems.  Time for me to think about reading goals for the upcoming year and deciding what is....achievable.  I have an ambitious list so far but some of the goals entwine with others.  

 #1 The Classics Club 

This has been a fascination for quite some time as I have seen it on bookish friends' blogs. Step one is making my list of 50 books and with a five year goal in mind, that seems like something I could accomplish.   Still making the list at present ....

#2 The Nonfiction Reader Challenge

This Challenge has been hosted by Shelleyrae at Book'd Out. and so next year I plan to join in.  Already have a few titles listed.

#3 Read what I own

A personal challenge/goal to get through stacks on my shelf and on my Kindle. I like that my Kindle has a feature to sort by newly owned books or those unread so, that part will be easy to select from.

 It's early for the goals but I wanted to get my list started.  Have any of you bookish friends started a list yet or have something new in mind for 2025?  I love new ideas so please make a suggestion and let me know about other reading groups.

Sharing with Deb at Readerbuzz for Sunday Salon.


  1. I read Lillian Boxfish Takes A Walk a few years ago and loved it. I hope you do too.

    1. Vicki, I am looking forward to that one too. Get these stacks down to manageable towers, haha

  2. I would like to tackle one 400+ page book every month. I'd also like to re-read a favorite each month, as well. I tend to do this at the beginning of the year, but lose my enthusiasm as new books start piling up. I'm definitely going to read an Elizabeth Strout book each month. Maybe a mystery every month, too? Wish me luck!

    1. Les, rereads were mentioned in the classic club as acceptable so that's good. I like mysteries quite a bit!

  3. You have inspired me to start on my own list of books to read next year. I use the Marie Kondo idea of Sparking Joy to see which books are currently doing that and I write them down in pencil on my lists. I never hesitate to erase a book and replace it if the joy isn't there later. lol

    1. Deb, I'm happy to help with list making anytime! Especially those which give us joy.

    2. I'm still trying to decide which books to keep and which ones to pass on. I hope to work on this a bit this next week. Happy Thanksgiving, Tina!

    3. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well, Deb!

  4. Well it seems like your three reading goals along with more buddy reads :-) will keep you busy in 2025. I plan to join Shelleyrae's Nonfiction challenge as well as I read woefully little nonfiction, so I need a boost. I will consider the Classics Club as well ... so you have 5 years to read 50? I wonder if I could do it. That's about 10 classics a year mixed in with all the other reads. I need to read more classics ... but they often take more time, some being a bit denser ... but are good for the mind.

    1. Susan, I had been intimidated by the Classic Club for years but decided to try and make list first, see if anything appeals enough to equal 50 titles. Also, the "rules" state the book must be at least 25 years old so I have some things like Catch 22 and titles from the 1940s. Some Hemingway...plus a couple of the classics are also nonfiction - The Moveable Feast and Testament of Youth - so that blends with the Nonfiction Challenge :-)

      It's worth a shot and I can swap out books if they don't grab me.

  5. I'm still struggling with what I think I can finish reading in 2024! I like your plans, though. Maybe they will inspire me.

    1. Joy, some of the plans will be easy as a few of my Classics are also nonfiction. Two birds with one stone :-)

  6. I'm starting to think about my reading going forward as well and I definitely want to read some classics and some more books off my shelf as well as books on my library list. There are so many books I want to read that I get a little overwhelmed sometimes trying to think of a way to fit them all in! I tried the Classic Club years ago and failed miserably but I think I might try again - or at least try something like it. Looking forward to seeing what you read!

    1. Katherine, I may pick your brain for some Agatha Christie titles. I have a few on my list now. My list will be up soon but I do want your Christie advice :-)

  7. I'm finally catching up with blogs this afternoon! Really like your goals for 2025 and that fact that they seem manageable. The Classics Club has been fun. I completed my first list of 50 over 5 years ago and have started on the second list. Technically, that should be done by now, too, but I'm still plugging along and just reading classics I enjoy.

    My nonfiction reading was a bust this year with only two stand-outs, Team of Rivals and Ina's new memoir. I don't do challenges, but am tempted by Shelleyrae's every year. Maybe I'll do it unofficially! ;-)

    Reading the books I already own is one of my goals, too. Do I see You Are Here on your shelves? I bought that recently as a kindle daily deal and will read it with you next year, if you'd like. Lillian Boxfish is a good one to read around the holidays, I really enjoyed it!

    1. JoAnn, I had always been intimidated by the Classics Club but...taking the plunge! A few of my classics are nonfiction so that will overlap Shelleyrae's challenge. Currently reading something I own so, already started on clearing the shelves - ha!

      Lillian Boxfish is coming up for me soon, before the year is out (which isn't long from now). I don't own You Are Here as it's a library loan but we can arrange to read it together next year. The wait list on it isn't long so I can return it and concentrate on it next year. Sounds like a good plan.

  8. I always have the goal to read what I own but goodness, I am never that successful!

    1. Sarah, this won't be the first time I tried to clear the shelves!

  9. I’ve also been thinking of my challenges for 2025. I think the non-fiction challenge is one I’ll be taking on!

    1. Jodie, the nonfiction one will be fun. I always learn something new.

  10. I took a break from challenges this year because I overdid it in 2023. I have started thinking about which challenges I will participate in next year, and have also started thinking about my goals (although I haven't written any down yet). Bev, at My Reader's Block hosts a read your bookshelf challenge and a virtual challenge and I plan to participate in both of those again next year. Here is the link to this year's challenge in case you haven't heard of it: https://myreadersblock.blogspot.com/2023/10/2024-mount-tbr-reading-challenge-sign-up.html

    1. Cindy, I get that. There have been times I burnt out and one year I just took a complete blogging break. Thanks for the link to My Reader's Block. Will check it out.

  11. I love a good list! I haven't started any for next year yet though. Your goals sound great!

    1. Erin, I love a list and making the list is half the fun! Thanks for the encouragement!

  12. I don't do well with book clubs or predetermined genres so I have a personal challenge which I will be revealing later in the year. If I were in your shoes, I'd go with what I already own. Although, I have to admit, if I own it and haven't read it yet, I'm not likely to read it.

    1. Carla, I like the online challenges and chatting with like minded people, so that works for me. Will look for your post upcoming about your goals. I end up readig everything I have on hand, eventually. It's an ever changing stack of books on my shelves.

  13. The Classics Club does look fun! I should check what qualifies and maybe consider it as inspiration...

    1. Nicky, it's books over 25 years old so I have some very old titles and some from the 1960s as well.

  14. I'd love to read all the books i gave away to the used book store. I cleared out my basement of shelves and books to turn it into an office and den. I had my regrets too.

    1. Harvee, I gave away books too and some I wish I had not. I don't do many rereads but there are some I just loved.

  15. I love making reading lists, even though I usually end up not reading the books on the lists. I have folders set up on my computer for each month with subfolders for each of the reading events / challenges for that month. So for me it will be Jan: Japanese Lit; Feb: Zombruary; March: Reading Ireland; May: Wyrd & Wonder; July: Paris in July; Aug: Women in Translation; Sept: R.I.P.; Oct: Australia Reading Month or just continue R.I.P.; Nov: Novellas, Nonfiction, SciFi, German Lit. So that leaves me April, June, and December to read my own books. LOL

    1. Jinjer, me too. I always have some list going with groceries, books to read or acquire, movies, etc. So...I am interested in your monthly planning and will check your blog for the past participation on March and Ireland and a few others.

  16. Delighted you’ll be joining the challenge next year (I’ll be posting sign ups this weekend). Reading what you own is a good goal. My challenge goals are a bust this year but I’ll try again next year.

    Have a wonderful reading week!

    1. Shelleyrae, looking forward to the nonfiction and few are also on the classics list. Definitely try again next year on the goals. That's all they are, goals, and sometimes that inspires to complete them.

  17. I make goals for fun, but can easily get derailed. Nonetheless, I’m joining in the 52 book club’s 2025 challenge.

    1. Olivia, I didn't know about that one. Off to check it out! I also get derailed some years but it's worth making the plans and hoping ;-)


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