Friday, November 15, 2024

Roddy Doyle and Elena Ferrante
{Armchair travel to Ireland and Italy}

When it rains I end up inside reading quite a bit.  No complaints about that!  First up is a trip to Ireland with Roddy Doyle's book of short stories titled Bullfighting.

In this collection of short stories the meandering stream of consciousness of an older man dominates the narrative.  I can see things from the female point of view when he wonders at what point in time did his wife move to another room.  When did certain things occur when he was, apparently, not paying attention.

The stories take you into a middle aged man's life in Ireland.

Getting older wasn’t too bad. The baldness suited Martin. Everyone said it. He’d had to change his trouser size from 34 to 36. It was a bit of a shock, but it was kind of nice wearing loose trousers again, hitching them up when he stood up to go to the jacks, or whatever. He was fooling himself; he knew that. But that was the point—he was fooling himself. He’d put on weight but felt a bit thinner.

The story Bullfighting is about four male friends in Spain and their honest conversations.  They are all middle aged and facing the realities that life is half over for them.  Admitting loneliness and being honest...for once.

Not my favorite book by Doyle by a longshot but a nice respite to read something short between anything else I am currently doing.  Themes of aging and loneliness with some humor and a great deal of Irish culture. 


Next up we visit Naples Italy in the 1950's with My Brillant Friend by Elena Ferrante.  This was an enjoyable buddy read with Susan at The Cue Card.

This book starts off in Turin Italy, present time with Elena getting a frantic phone call from Rino, her best friend Lila's son.  His mother is missing. Lila and Elena had been friends for over 60 years and more than 30 years ago, Lila had confessed to Elena she wanted to disappear one day.  Leave without a trace. Apparently this is what happened.

The book is about Elena's account of friendship with Lila growing up in 1950's poverty stricken Naples. Lila was from a poor family, her father a shoemaker with little money to spare on a girl's eduaction...or anything else.  She was very intelligent and headstrong, teaching herself to read and educate herself  despite being held back by her family and financial standing.  That said, she never let anything dampen her spirit for life and learning.

Elena and Lila crossed paths in school at a young age but it wasn't an immediate or tender friendship. In the era described, their lives were filled with misogeny and violence, something they didn't find appalling as it was predominent in their culture and upbringing.  It was just life.

I think each girl challenged the other to do better.  Possibly from Elena's point of view she was motivated by Lila's  strong will and refusal to conform to the norms of their society.  Lila was intrigued by Elena's stubbornness and her refusal to capitulate to her bullying.  Not many stood up to Lila's strong personality.  That is my opinion on the ongoing relationship.

If you have read the synopsis this won't be a spoiler - it ends with Lila's wedding.  I was half expecting it to end with her appearance in the story, finding out where the 66 year old went and some resolution to her disappearance.  Book 2 will no doubt continue the story and I am looking forward to that eventually.

This would make a good series of books to read in August for the Women in Translation month/project but I can't wait that long to tackle books 2 and 3.

Currently I am working on a list of bookish goals for next year and hope to post about that next week. Happy reading to you all!

Sharing with Deb at Readerbuzz for Sunday Salon. and Joy's Book Blog for Britsh Isles Friday for Long Island and The Life Impossible.


  1. You've piqued my interest in the Ferrante book! I tried it on audio several years ago, but couldn't get interested. I'll give the print copy a try in 2025.

    1. Les, there were times it was a bit much on the details but I liked the book, took me right into the time period.

  2. I still need to get caught up with the My Brilliant Friend series. What streamer is it on, anyway? Max. Noted.

    1. Jinjer, I just recently discovered it's now a tv series!

  3. Both books sound intriguing. Definitely a good way to spend time in rainy weather.

    1. Joy, rainy days means extra reading and no complaints here :-)

  4. I love the days when I can get extra reading in!

  5. I’ve heard wonderful things about My Brilliant Friend. I must add it to my TBR list!

    1. Let me know what you think. Hoping to get to book two with another buddy read next year after things settle down.

  6. Nice to see you are book blogging again Tina!

    Wishing you a wonderful reading week

    1. Thank you, Shelleyrae. I have some good books and goals line up!

  7. I need to start making my reading goals for next year, too. Thank you for the reminder, Tina.

    I'm glad to see how much you enjoyed My Brilliant Friend.

    1. Deb, it was an interesting book and great glimpse into another time period and culture. Working on my big fat classics list now!

  8. Your review of MBF is well done! You've got those two girls' figured out. I wanted to let you know that HBO has a TV series of the books: And it has already aired 4 seasons!
    Season 1: Aired in 2018 (assuming Book 1)
    Season 2: The Story of a New Name: Aired in 2020
    Season 3: Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay: Aired in 2022
    Season 4: The Story of the Lost Child: Aired in 2024
    I have not watched the series and I will likely continue to read them first to keep an open mind about what they look like etc. But after all 4 books, I might like to watch! The DVDs are likely available. Anyways it was nice reading with you & I look forward to seeing your list for 2025.

    1. Susan, thanks so much, it was fun to review. We don't have HBO but our library ocassionally gets the DVDs if good series. I won't be looking for the shows yet as I don't want any possible spoilers. Maybe season 1 after we read the third book.

      The list making is fun, tweaking it up this morning.

  9. I love reading on a rainy day though haven't been able to lately. I'm hoping I'll get better at my time management and do that more. Both of these look good and I've had the Ferrante books on my TBR for ages.

    1. Katherine, sometimes I will make bread or do the dreaded housework as I can't go outside but always make some time to read. Hoope you like the Ferrante books!

  10. I've been thinking about rereading that Ferrante series ever since NYT put it at the top of their best books of the century so far! I remember enjoying the rest of the books even more than the first one. Still haven't gotten around to watching the series... not sure it could possibly live up to the books.

    Roddy Doyle is one of those authors I keep thinking about reading, but just haven't yet. Any recommendations on where to start?

  11. JoAnn, I just recently learned there was a tv series and I may try and get it after I finish the books. I own only the first and second in the book series so far.

    I had been reading Doyle for quite some time over the years and see on Goodreads I never marked them as read or did a review. Could be I started a Goodreads account after reading some of his books. I liked A Star Called Henry and never finished the trilogy so, I may reread A Star Called Henry as I recently bought the second in the series. I liked Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha but read that when Tristan was in high school so....18 years ago!

    Les has also read some of his work. I watched The Commitments but never read the books. Let me kow what you start with !


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A puzzle, a fox and lots of books

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