Sunday, February 9, 2025

Presently reading......

My tablet basically died. It was locking up, going to black screen and I couldn't turn it off.  As the tablet and blogging are my only interaction with book sites & friends, news, etc.....I had to get a new one.  It interfered with some posts I was hoping to get done I am all set.

Very irritating to have to spend the money on it as I was digging in to No Buy 2025.  Here are a couple of articles about that Here and Here

In book news....

Just finished  The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough which was a buddy read with Deb at Readerbuzz.  It's always nice to read with someone :-)

Currently reading / Testament of Youth by Vera Brittain with JoAnn. Also started The Story of a Heart by Dr. Rachel Clarke, a page turner in nonfiction. Fascinating so far.

Sharing a couple of "new" books for Mailbox Monday (hosted by Vicki).  I have The Shepherd's Life by James Rebanks from the library and  I purchased White Oleander by Janet Fitch for $2 from their sale shelves.  Not sure when I will get started on the Rebanks book as I am finishing up the nonfiction right now.

Other posts this week besides the Thorn Birds review was about Loki's birthday/ gotcha day

That's about it.  Not a crazy exciting week here but I am getting some good reading in.  I hope your week is a good one.

Sharing with:

Deb at Readerbuzz for Sunday Salon

Vicki for Mailbox Monday


  1. A buddy read sounds wonderful and The Thorn Birds is such a classic. Have a great week!

    1. Jodie, buddy reads are definitely fun! Hoope your week goes well and you don't get much more snow.

  2. I'm sorry you had to buy a new tablet, but I'm glad you didn't have to sacrifice reading or blogging! I can't imagine my life without either of those.

    I'll pop over to your review of The Thorn Birds to comment on that read. Glad you had fun buddy-reading that with Deb.

    I read White Oleander years and years ago, and remember that I enjoyed it, but not much more than that!

    Have a good week, Tina!

    1. Les, I don't think I could sacrifice that now as it's my only entertainment and interaction so, I can justify that purchase.
      Buddy reads are fun :-) Glad to hear you liked White Oleander. As I own it I a not ina rush to read it yet. Hoping in March I can read some Irish authors for the Reading Ireland event.

  3. Which tablet did you get? It's nice you can get an updated one. I too almost got White Oleander on Amazon at $1.99 recently but then I didn't. It looks like a good read. Is that where you got it from? Loki seems so happy & relaxed now .... how old do you think he is? I wouldn't mind getting more dogs, ha. But the two we have keep us pretty busy. Stella is getting old (12.5 years) and we have to give her special care & medicine ... we were told recently she has "spinal degeneration" - but we are trying to give her the best last years as possible. We got her as a puppy and she was our golden girl from the start. :-)

    1. Susan, I replaced my Samsung with another one, the Galaxy Tab S FE, and I am very happy with it. I was using a Samsung from 6 years ago and it was great until it decided to die.

      No, I bought White Oleander from the library sale shelf as the price was good and it money goes toward a community program. All the books/DVDs/music on their sale shelves are donated so it's a win-win for everyone.

      We did Embark on Loki a few years ago and we think he is 7 years old, a mix of rat terrier, chihuahua and Min pin. The DNA swab was sent in and it revealed he is primarily rat terrier. A very intelligent and stubborn breed. That all fits :-)

      The part about them getting older is the hardest and I know you are taking such good care of Stella. Sounds like she's your heart dog. Ours was Aja, a cream shiba inu. We almost didn't get another dog after her Loki is lucky. We love dogs and have always had them, hard to be without their companionship.

  4. Sorry about the tablet. I hope the new one is awesome!

    1. Thanks, AJ, the new one is cool but I am still getting it all organized!

  5. I'm wondering about White Oleander, but can't access reviews, or reserve as our library system seems to be totally down today. I think it was yesterday. Super Bowl?

    1. Claudia, it may well have been the superbowl. Goodreads might have some reviews, if you can access.

  6. I enjoyed our buddy read so much, Tina. I've wanted to read The Thorn Birds since it first came out. It was nice to chat about a book as we read along.

    There are some things that are essentials, and a communication tool for us bloggers is definitely one of those.

    1. Deb, I enjoyed it too. Thanks for going on that journey to the Outback with me!


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Presently reading......

My tablet basically died. It was locking up, going to black screen and I couldn't turn it off.  As the tablet and blogging are my only i...