Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Fall reading and list making

First off, a shout out to ShelleyRae at Book'd Out.  I haven't seen you post in a while, you've been in my thoughts and I miss you. 

Let's talk fall reading.  Or Spring reading if you are in the southern hemisphere :-)

I enjoy making lists as it keeps me focused.  Sometimes I deviate but overall, it's helpful. Here's what I have so far but some could get swapped out depending on interest.

Trust by Herman Diaz (currently reading)

Sipsworth by Simon Van Booy (currently reading) #BriFri

Long Island by Colm Toibin  #BriFri

The Life Impossible by Matt Haig #BriFri

My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante  (a buddy read with Susan at The Cue Card)

I Cheerfully Refuse by Leif Enger 

The Woman Behind the Door by Roddy Doyle #BriFri

This is a list in progress so I welcome suggestions and comments on any of these you have enjoyed.  Four of my books will be linked with Joy's British Isles Friday.  Love my U.K. authors :-)

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  1. Looks like a great list, I hope you enjoy all of them.

    1. Thank you, Vicki. I am lookng forward to Long Island in particular.

  2. I will probably make my list once we get back from our trip, so I can look at my shelves. I have Sipsworth waiting for me at home, and can't wait to start it. I've read on other book by Van Booy and liked it, but I think this one sounds more like my cuppa. I also have Long Island, but may re-watch the show to reacquaint myself with the previous story. I might also join you and Susan reading My Brilliant Friend. I tried the audio a few years ago, but couldn't get interested. Maybe the print edition will grab me. We'll see.

    1. Les, I like Sipsworth so far and will look for more of his work. There's a show about Long Island?! I dodn't know that. I liked the book Brooklyn and we watched the mini series but I wasn't aware of the Long Island show. Cool

    2. Sorry for the confusion, Tina. I meant the mini series of Brooklyn. ;)

  3. I liked Life Impossible; I thought it was okay. Sipsworth really hit me emotionally. I'm very eager to hear what you think about Trust, as it's a book I have on my shelf, as well as the new Leif Enger book.

    1. Deb, I liked The Midnight Library very much and I also read How to Stop Time by Haig. Looking forward to his latest. We have some of the same books on our shelves!

    2. Seeing your list has reminded me again that I need to make my own fall reading list, Tina. I think I will work on that today! I like making lists almost as much as I love to read.

    3. I still need to make my fall reading list---maybe I will today.

    4. I love listmaking too. Have already started a few others for Women in Translation for next year and an apocalyptic book list!

  4. It is fall where I am and the weather is lovely!!! I completely understand swapping out books if I'm not in the mood for what I have "planned". Thank you for stopping by Colletta's Kitchen Sink and commenting :) I truly appreciate you!

    1. Colletta, I had the same thing with swapping books out for my summer reading. I hope I can get to some of the bigger tomes this year!

  5. I hope you enjoy them all. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you, Cindy. Have a great week of reading :-)

  6. The Woman Behind the Door was so good! I tried to read Sipsworth but got bored pretty quick. Usually that is a JINJER problem, not the fault of the book.

    1. Jinjer, I admit it's slow going on Sipsworth. I would be willing to try more of his work though. Can't wait to start the Roddy Doyle book. I have read a few of his before.

  7. This looks like a great list for Fall reading! We have such a lovely community of bloggers here. I still miss a dear friend who hasn’t posted for 18 months.

    1. I love the book blogging community because it's so supportive and friendly, I get many new titles to add to my list when people post about their experiences.

  8. My friend has recommended Long Island so I am sure I'll look for it soon. I just finished My Brilliant Friend and I think I want to finish the series now. But it took me ages to read so I am not going to jump on the next book just yet.

    My Sunday Salon: https://headfullofbooks.blogspot.com/2024/09/sunday-salon-wonderful-week.html

    1. Anne, did you read Brooklyn? It's probably best to do that if you haven;t as Long Island picks up on the main characters' stories. I am very much looking forward to My Brilliant Friend so if it's good for me, I will probably tackle the series.

  9. The only lists I stick to are the ARCs I've accepted for review. Otherwise, I wind up switching out some books as I get closer to those open spots on my reading schedule.

    1. Mark, that's smart to get to the ARC books as you don't want to miss out on being approved for new ones!

  10. British writers are my favorites as they write so well. Roddy Doyle is the next one I'll look up.

    1. Harvee, I think the older Brit authors have such a great style plus I love being immersed in the country and culture there.

  11. Your reading list looks like a good one. I hope you enjoy them. Have a great week!

    1. Thanks, Yvonne. I am always adding new authors as I discover them from other bloggers.

  12. Looks like an interesting array of books! And I need to check out Joy’s Book Blog.

    1. Olivia, Joy has a great selection of British authors and places to explore!

  13. Nice list! Sipsworth was such a sweet, emotional read for me. I briefly considered rereading My Brilliant Friends (and the next three novels) after it appeared on the NYT list. While I liked My Brilliant Friend, I loved the other three books in the series, especially the second and third. Still hoping to read Long Island at some point. My list will be up later this week.

    1. Thank you, JoAnn. I keep forgetting to look at that NYT list. Looking forward to your list and our next book.

  14. That's a good list. I'm starting to think about my fall TBR, too.

    1. Joy, I look forward to your book selections. Seems I am going through my fall list faster than I anticipated so will add more to the list in a few weeks.

  15. It's occasionally starting to look like fall could happen here and I'm so looking forward to it. The last few months have been so stressful and hectic but things are either finishing up (we had a rental house we had to get ready to sell and it was a nightmare - but fingers crossed it looks like we are about to go under contract) or getting to more routine. I think I'm going to take the fall to reconnect with me a bit and read comforting cozy books. I really want to try Matt Haig. His books always catch my eyes.

    1. Katherine, hopefully the contract will go through. It's supposed to be a good time to buy so you will sell it! Matt Haig books are interesting but I don't think any can beat The Midnight Library. I liked that book enough that I'd like to buy iy in spite of having read it already.

  16. Yay sounds good. I will make way for starting to read Ferrante at the beginning of Nov. with you. And I like your list -- as Roddy Doyle is speaking on his book here in mid-Oct. and I'm reading the Leif Enger book now. I'm on page 100 -- it's a little slow but I like it. The Long Island novel is worth reading. ... and seems like there's room for a book 3. Enjoy your reads!

    1. Susan, I like Toibin's work so room for a book three sounds great to me! I am definitely adding the November week for our reading, very happy to read a new author. That will be exciting to hear Roddy Doyle speak. I have read a few of his previous books.

      Right now I am charging our devices - Kindle, tablet, etc. in prep of hurricane helene. I believe I will get lots of reading time in :-)


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