Monday, December 16, 2024

2025 Nonfiction Reader Challenge

 The 2025 Nonfiction Reader Challenge is hosted by Shelleyrae at Book'd Out.  Check out the details HERE. There are twelve categories and I have a few books sitting on the shelf, ready to roll for the new year.  I am going for the Nonfiction Nibbler category of six.

That said, if I see some nonfiction of interest during the year I will just read more than the planned six.  


True Crime 
Myth, Legend and Folklore
Published in 2025 

Right now I am trying to decide which book to start within the history and memoir categories.

The Road to Wigan Pier by George Orwell (also a classic) or Olive, Mabel and Me by Andrew Cotter.  Maybe both for January ! It's always fun making the lists of books.

Check out the challenge link at Book'd Out.and join in.  Would love to see what others are reading!


  1. This sounds like a fun challenge, but I typically focus on NF in November, so I'll watch from the sidelines. :) If I were to join, I'd either read The Demon of Unrest by Erik Larson or No Ordinary Time to Doris Kearns Goodwin for the history selection. I have I Am I Am I Am by Maggie O'Farrell in my memoir stacks and plan to read that in early 2025. Have a fun time with your list-making!

    1. Les, I read it year round or if one comes up that I like. You have some good books planned for your November reading.

  2. I'm joining this challenge in '25. Not sure what I'm going to read. I'm just going to add books as I go.

    1. Vicki, I'm glad you'll be joining in. I have loads of nonfiction but some don't fit the categories so that will be my extra books to "graze".

  3. Thrilled to have you joining me. I’ll be recommending some great books in the New Year!

    1. Shelleyrae, I am delighted to join in. I missed the blogging and now that I have started up again and been at it for about a year I want to participate in challenges. Very much looking forward to your suggestions. Can't believe it will be 2025 in less than two weeks!

  4. Sounds good. I think I plan to join in too. I need to boost my nonfiction reading. History & memoir are usually areas I like as well as natural history books. Enjoy your reads!

    1. Susan, thanks. I look forward to seeing your picks. Some categories are more interesting to me than others but I have quite a stack of books ready. I started the classic book reading list early and am happy with those on my list. Well, so far anyway!

  5. I haven't done challenges in several years, but this one still tempts me every time! Good luck and I'll look forward to hearing about your book selections.

    1. JoAnn, when we do our reading of the Vera Brittain book I will probably use that for the history category although I do have Orwell's Road to Wigan Pier. Looking for a particular book for the health category called The Story of the Heart by Rachel Clarke. Hoping thriftbooks has it as the library does not.

  6. I feel different than a lot of bloggers because I love Nonfiction (shhh! don't tell Fiction, but I love Nonfiction even more than Fiction...) I always like it when a book is good for two challenges. One of my traditions is to stop reading for the year in the middle of December and start reading for the following year at that time. Then I finish the last page of a bunch of books on January 1. It gets my year off to a great start.

    1. Deb, I like both but I do tend to read way more fiction. Funny how tastes change as we age, or least for me it has. I was reading all the mysteries I could get my hands on and particularly loved a mystery series - such DCI Banks by Peter Robinson. Now I still read mysteries but have graviated to other genres more often.

      That's a great tradition you have about stopping mid December.

  7. I can't wait to see what books you choose! I typically enjoy nonfiction and am always on the lookout for ones I've missed.


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