Saturday, December 21, 2024

First book of the year hosted at Book Journey

 I'm joining in on the First Book of the Year hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.  Check out the link HERE and join in if you like. It's send Sheila a photo of yourself with the first book you plan to start in 2025.

I'm going with a memoir by Andrew Cotter titled Olive, Mabel & Me.  Many of us were introduced to Mr. Cotter when he used his Scottish broadcasting skills to describe Olive and Mabel in humorous narrative during the pandemic lockdown.  

If you've not seen the video please click HERE to watch Game of Bones.  It's about one minute in length.

This book will also be my first in the nonfiction challenge hosted by Shelleyrae at Book'd Out and I hope to start reading it the first week of January.

Do you have a particular book picked out to start the new year?

Thank you, Sheila, for hosting!

Sharing with Deb at Readerbuzz for Sunday Salon and Sheila at Book Journey.


  1. I have this on my '25 list along with a lot of other dog books.

    1. Vicki, I had been wanting to read this one since I heard him talking to his dogs and also saw it on Shelleyrae's nonfiction challenge last year!

  2. That looks like a good choice for the first book! I'm usually don't think very much about the first book of the year, but I have one on hold at the library that would be fun if the timing works out.

    1. Joy, I had not participated in this for years and happened to see the post about it.

  3. Olive and Mabel are new to me. Thanks for sharing the little video. I think this one would be ideal for your first book of the year, and I can think of a lot of other dog-crazy people I know who would enjoy it, too. Off to the library now to put it on my list!

    1. Deb, I'm looking forward to it. I think people who like dogs and also hiking will enjoy this one. Mr. Cotter apparently takes the dogs on long treks.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Jinjer! I am finishing up some other books and will be ready to roll into January. I will have a question for you about the January Japanese to see you now.

  5. Lovely photo!
    I haven’t given any thought to a first read for 2025. If I manage to finish my 2024 review books before then it will likely be a January review book, probably Emily Wilde’s Compendium of Lost Tales by Heather Fawcett

    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas to you and yours xx

    1. Thanks, Shelleyrae! This is me at 68 :-) Had not read anything by Heather to investigate. Merry Christmas to you and your family xo

  6. That book definitely sounds warm and cozy :) Not sure what I'll read first!

    1. Becki, I knew I'd pick a memoir but the dog story and hiking had me sold.

  7. I have no idea what I will read first, or what books I am going to read in 2025...but more from my own shelves is the main goal :) Have a very Merry Christmas!

    1. Cindy, I am also trying to read what I own. I bought them for a reason!

  8. That sounds like a great book to start 2025! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

    1. Jodie, thanks much and merry Chruistmas to you and yours.

  9. I haven't heard of that book before... hope it gets your year off to a good start. Great photo!

    1. Thanks, JoAnn. I had been following Andrew Cotter since the pandemic lockdown when he put his broadcasting skills to work to amuse himself.

  10. What a fun meme! I have no idea what my first book will be. It depends on where I’m at in my reading stack.

    1. Carla, if you want send a photo to Sheila, that would be fun!

  11. The memoir looks like such a sweet book. I don’t have a first book for 2025, but I have plenty of challenges lined up to choose from. Ha! Happy Holidays!

    1. Thanks, Olivia. I like a good challenge and I am in so much with weather extremes that I do read a lot.

  12. I hope you enjoy the book. I'm not sure what book I'll be starting the year with. I'm still deciding. Happy Holidays!

  13. I haven't settled on my first book of 2025, but I'm leaning toward Beyond That, The Sea or The Marriage Portrait. Wonderful photo, Tina!

    1. Les, I enjoyed Beyond That, The Sea and hope you do. Thanks, it's hard to get a selfie holding a book and trying to get everything in the frame, haha

  14. Yay Tina! Way to go. Great pic with the book. The dog video is hilarious and I keep watching it. I hadn't seen it before so I'm loving it. I've sent it to all my relatives. ha! Still cracks me up. I too might be starting the new year with a Nonfiction book but it's under the tree now (ha!) so I must wait to join in. I plan to. You must report back on Olive & Mabel and if the book is funny too. Enjoy.

    1. Susan, thank you, I appreciate that as it was hard to bakance the photo and book and try and get a photo! The dog video is so funny and that was the first time I ever heard of Andrew Cotter. Can't wait to hear about your book sitting under the tree.

      Merry Christmas to you all. It's the 24th ane we have just now decided we need a special dinner so...trying to come up ideas before the stores close at 6:00.

  15. I got a gorgeous edition of The Secret Garden and as soon as I picked it up I thought "this will be my first read of the year". I haven't picked out my first audiobook and ebook yet. I hope you love this one!

    1. Katherine, I can't wait to see the book...if you post a photo :-) That's a good one and a classic I would read again.


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