Saturday, December 21, 2024

First book of the year hosted at Book Journey

 I'm joining in on the First Book of the Year hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.  Check out the link HERE and join in if you like. It's send Sheila a photo of yourself with the first book you plan to start in 2025.

I'm going with a memoir by Andrew Cotter titled Olive, Mabel & Me.  Many of us were introduced to Mr. Cotter when he used his Scottish broadcasting skills to describe Olive and Mabel in humorous narrative during the pandemic lockdown.  

If you've not seen the video please click HERE to watch Game of Bones.  It's about one minute in length.

This book will also be my first in the nonfiction challenge hosted by Shelleyrae at Book'd Out and I hope to start reading it the first week of January.

Do you have a particular book picked out to start the new year?

Thank you, Sheila, for hosting!

Sharing with Deb at Readerbuzz for Sunday Salon and Sheila at Book Journey.


  1. I have this on my '25 list along with a lot of other dog books.

  2. That looks like a good choice for the first book! I'm usually don't think very much about the first book of the year, but I have one on hold at the library that would be fun if the timing works out.


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First book of the year hosted at Book Journey

 I'm joining in on the First Book of the Year hosted by Sheila at Book Journey .  Check out the link HERE and join in if you like. It...