Thursday, February 24, 2022

Changing Roles by Dr. Vivien Newman


Dr. Vivien Newman delves into the lives of British woman and their place in the workforce after WW I.  They assumed the workload and roles traditionally held by men.  All the men were off to war but life went on and these stories tell how the females shouldered the load.

When the war was over the women were expected to fade back into their traditional roles but many said the hell with that!  These women were pioneers in the early movement for equal rights.

I enjoyed the stories about Dorothy Sayers, Agatha Christie and Gertrude Bell very much. They made a difference.

Publication date is October 30, 2021 by Pen and Sword. Genre: History and Nonfiction.

Thank you to Netgalley for the advanced reader's copy of this book.  I was not compensated for the review, all opinions are mine.

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 Shelleyrae at Book'd Out for the 2022 Nonfiction Reading Challenge. (Category: Social History)

Joy's Book Blog for British Isles Friday


  1. Vicki, this might not be your cuppa tea .

  2. I love the stories of all three of the women you mentioned -- I think I'd really enjoy seeing them in this context.

    1. Joy, this is probably archived on Netgalley but you may be able to interlibrary loan this one.

  3. This sounds interesting and of course I have to read it if it's about Agatha Christie. I know a little bit about her wartime experience in WWI but not as much as I'd like.

  4. Sounds like an interesting introduction to some amazing women, thanks for sharing your thoughts


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What a week......

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