Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Taste: My Life Through Food by Stanley Tucci

 As soon as I started reading this book I was hooked.  Tucci had a way of describing his childhood which evoked so many memories of my own.  The benefits of growing up in an Italian neighborhood were immense and I loved every bit of it.

This book is humorous, engaging and sad in parts. Some of my book friends listened to this on audiobook and I can imagine it was very good hearing some of his stories in his own voice.

There are recipes included in this book and i can say you will be hungry as you read about his foodie experiences as well the recipes.

I have enjoyed movies where Tucci had a starring role, particularly Big Night.  I just bought a copy of Big Night after reading this memoir because I wanted to see to again. 5 stars for this book.

Sharing with Shelleyrae at Book'd Out for the 2022 Nonfiction Reading Challenge. (Category: Celebrity)


  1. I still haven't read this, although I added it to my list some time ago because I've seen so many positive reviews. This is one that my husband, who seldom reads, would like, so I should go ahead and order a copy. :)

    1. Jenclair, this would also be great on audio as I’ve heard from friends. My husband would love this one too. I read a few passages to him and he liked it.

  2. Adding this to my TBR if it's not already on it.

  3. Vicki, I think you’ll love it. Some of it reminded me of childhood.

  4. This was probably my favorite nonfiction read (listen, actually) of 2021. So glad you enjoyed it, too!

    1. JoAnn, this book is featured at Cook the Books coming up. I loved it, will participate and not sure what dish to make.

  5. I have seen a few interviews with Tucci and he seemed so likable and engaging that this book appeals to me just off that. Now I need to get Big Night. This sounds wonderful.

    1. Katherine, this is going to be a featured book at Cook the Books for their April/May selection. I am thinking of joining in. This was a wonderful book and I heard he narrates it very well.

  6. I'm looking forward to this one. Cheers


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