Monday, August 15, 2022

Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus


This book was well written and will go down as one of my favorites for the year. I had been in a reading slump but this book - wow.  Couldn't stop and finished in two days.

If you have ever seen the television series Mad Men and wondered why women would allow themselves to be cast as second class citizens, you will love this book. Chemist Elizabeth Zott takes on the male dominated science field and won't be held back. She's intelligent and driven, not a ball buster as you'd think a woman had to be to take up for themsleves.

Elizabeth is smarter than her male coworkers, won't be pushed into making them coffee, sharing her research or leaving her name off a professional publication because she is a woman. I could rehash the many great conversations and scenes but this has been done by many already so I won't do that.
There were many laugh out loud moments, many times I read passages to my husband and can highly recommend reading this novel.

I saw some who listened to book had some issues but I can not comment on the audio versions as I never could get into that format.  Read this on my Kindle in two days.


  1. So glad you enjoyed this book, too, Tina! I still think about Elizabeth Zott - what a great character. I had some issues with the audiobook, but they were due to mispronunciations.... primarily Jack LaLanne's name (over and over again) and several chemical names/terms. I ended up switching over to the ebook and was much happier.

    1. JoAnn, I had someone else comment they didn't care for the audio version. I just can't get into audio but I did love the digital copy. Thanks for recommending! I too think about Elizabeth and hope this becomes a movie. My luck it will be streaming :-(

  2. I'm a big audio book fan but not all books work in that format and occasionally a narrator can ruin a book which is always too bad. This sounds wonderful and so glad it got you out of a slump. The books that can do that are magic!

  3. This book sounds fantastic!! What a great review!


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What a week......

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