Thursday, August 11, 2022

I, Mona Lisa by Natasha Solomons

I wasn't sure what to expect from this novel about Mona Lisa but I liked the description so I bought it on a sale from Amazon. 

The odd parts, for me, was how Lisa spoke of being in love with Leonardo.  A fantasy tale of how the centuries passed and what the painting experiences. She tells how she was brought to life, how she was kidnapped, the lonely existance of sitting in her glassed prison in the Louvre as people wander by and only comment how small the painting is in real life.

 Listen to my history. My adventures are worth hearing. I have lived many lifetimes and been loved by emperors, kings and thieves. I have survived kidnap and assault. Revolution and two world wars. But this is also a love story. And the story of what we will do for those we love. (From Goodreads)

Overall I enjoyed the novel.  If you like historical fiction and reading about the Renaissance era you may well enjoy this book.  Natasha Solomons is a British author and as I liked her style, I will add her other books to my to-read list.  The House at Tyneford is set in England, another historical fiction, and I'd like to read that soon.

Sharing with Joy's Book Blog for British Isles Friday and Marg at The Intrepid Reader for the Historical Fiction Readng Challenge.


  1. This sounds interesting and a unique premise. I just watched a YouTube video on Da Vinci (It's on the Tasting History by Max Miller channel) and he talked about how quite a lot of the stories we've heard about Da Vinci come from kind of a spoof book. It was really interesting!

  2. Looks like a good one for the British Isles Challenge :)

  3. Intriguing premise! I'm pretty sure that I said "it's smaller than I expected" at the Louvre. We really only got to see her forehead because the crowds were so bad, even though we raced there first thing in the morning.


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