Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Keeper by Graham Norton

A Keeper
The big draw for me was the Irish setting, an old house and a mystery about a past life.  The book is divided by chapters titled Now and Then.  We start off in present with Elizabeth Keane returning to her childhood home in Ireland.  Her mother has died and Elizabeth must clear out the house and make a decision regarding selling.

Elizabeth was never extremely close to her mother Patricia, often wishing she had a father figure in her life.  Whenever she asked questions about her father Patricia would always say he was a kind man and he died shortly after they were married.  After college she moved to New York and started her own life, marrying, divorcing and ending up with a son named Zach.

Now she is back in Ireland to see the home she inherited, trying to avoid her nosy cousins, anxious to return home.  Now that wouldn't be me!  I would love to have a home in Ireland and spend half the year there. Anyway, as she's cleaning out a wardrobe she comes across a package of handwritten letters, love letters from her father Edward Foley.

We drift into the Then chapters and see what Patricia was like fifty years ago. As you read the backstory about Edward and Patricia, get to know the horror of Edward's mother (I mean truly) the story that unfolds takes such a neck braking twist that I couldn't out it down.  Trust me, you'll be surprised.

Elizabeth's son Zach and ex-husband have minor roles; mostly they could have been left out in my opinion but it adds slightly to the story.  If you'd like to armchair travel to West Cork Ireland (past and present) and enjoy a mystery you will enjoy this book.

When I requested this book I didn't know the author was the Graham Norton, the Irish television host.  Impressive - I will certainly look for more by Mr. Norton.

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