Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Night Olivia Fell by Christine McDonald


This is a book that had been on list for quite a while so I was excited when the library received my copy. Once I started I was hoping it would be more engaging. Alas, I mentally heard that fizzle sound of deflation as I read - this wasn't a great book for me.

To start, it's every parent's nightmare to get that call, your child has been in an accident and there's nothing to be done to save them.  This isn't a spoiler, it's in the description of the book - teenager Olivia is brain dead but pregnant so they keep her alive until her baby can safely be delivered.

 Abi Knight, Olivia's mother, is frantically trying to get the police involved as she knows it wasn't an accident.  There are bruises on Olivia's wrist to indicate she may have been attacked.  Abi goes through Olivia's phone and social media accounts trying to piece together what may have happened to her daughter.

Personally, I thought this read like a young adult novel.  It was slow paced for me and I found myself skimming.  I was invested enough to see the outcome so I finished it but, I won't be looking for this author anytime soon.

It's billed as mystery and heart wrenching.  Now I will say the ending is a gut twister but as for the mystery part....nah.  It drags.  There are ample reviews which disagree with my take on this book so I'm in the minority.

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