Tuesday, August 20, 2019

To the Lions by Holly Watt


To The Lions. The premise of this story grabbed my attention but once I started reading it I found myself distracted.   Casey Benedict is a reporter.  She overhears a conversation in a London nightclub that leads her to the story of a lifetime.

 In the beginning setup we meet  Casey's boss and man oh man, he drops the F bomb more times than I could count.  A few times gives you the flavor of the man and his personality but after a while, what a turn off. As the big story unfolds I found it very disturbing.  I don't want to give spoilers but let me say, if you are bothered by what's happening to immigrants in the USA, this plot won't be appealing. At all.

 This book is under the mystery and thriller category, my favorite genre however this is too disturbing for me with our current political situation.  I don't bring politics into my blog and what happens in the book is NOT a scenario that is happening here but.....I didn't like this at all. Holly Watt is an author and journalist.  I will say a talented writer as she had me emotions stirred, this book just wasn't for me.

 Publication date is September 3, 2019.  Much thanks to Netgalley for an advanced copy of this book.  I was not compensated for a review, opinions are mine.

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