Wednesday, June 9, 2021

News of the World by Paulette Jiles

We begin this story in 1870, Wichita Falls, Texas, with Captain Jefferson Kyle Kidd looking over the newspaper stories he will share at his reading in town.  As the DVD is out, and no I have not seen it yet, I do know the main character is played by Tom Hanks.  His is the voice I hear when I read this narrative.

He is approached by Britt Johnson, a freed black man, to deliver a a ten year old white girl to her surviving family.  The U.S. Army recently rescued the girl but they no longer retain responsibility to return those captured to their families. She was taken captive by Kiowa Indians, her parents and siblings slaughtered, and she had lived with them these past six years.  She loved her Indian mother and her life with the Kiowa and has forgotten about her past.  Forgotten her native German language, does not know English and is as feral and fierce as her adoptive indigenous family.

Cicada, birth name Johanna has escaped twice and is hellbent to return to the Kiowa. While Captain Kidd does not know about Indians, he does know about girls as he raised two daughters.  He accepts the undertaking and it's quite a journey between these two. An old Confederate war veteran aged 72 and a 10 year old girl full of mistrust. 

It's quite a journey through northern Texas and Indian country and I hung on to every word.  As a matter of fact, the ending of this book brought tears to my eyes and it's been a long time since a book elicted such emotion at the conclusion. 

I am very much looking forward to the movie now.  It will be interesting to compare the book to the movie. 


  1. I've been wanting to read the book before I see the movie but I may just dive in and then go from there!

    1. Heather, it wasn't a long book and hung on to all the adventures and perilous situtions described.

  2. Sounds lovely, thanks for sharing your thoughts

  3. Vicki, I just had to read it first and I cant wait for that movie. There were some scenes I feared for theor lives!

  4. This sounds really good! I always like to read the book before seeing the movie, too.

    1. JoAnn. I always try and get to the book first. I read Gone Girl then saw the mo. Doug watched the movie first then read the book. He said the book was better

  5. The film is on Netflix... not sure it is something I'd read, but I will try to watch it soon.

    1. Davida, it wasn't on my radar but Tom Hanks is a favorite of mine and as I planned to watch the movie, I try and read the book (if there is one) before viewing. It captured me!

  6. Wow this sounds intense and gripping!

    1. Greg, it was oe of the best books I have read this year!

  7. My book group enjoyed this, although someone's husband teased us that we were going to cheat by seeing the movie first. Not true!


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Classic Club Spin

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