Friday, July 9, 2021

The Green Road by Anne Enright


This is the story about the Madigan family and told from the different perspectives of the four children over a course of time. The opening chapter tells of adult son Dan sharing his decision to become a priest and his mother’s reaction of horror.  This is from the 10 year old Hanna's perspective in 1980 in their county Clare home. The 

We read about Dan and his personal problems and predicament a decade later. He is living in New York and his life as a gay man is written about fairly graphically. 

The other siblings are Emmet who becomes a UNICEF worker in Africa. His was my least favorite story and had I started with it, I’d have ditched the book. 

Hanna's adult  story involves an issue with alcohol.

Constance storyline starts as the third chapter in 1997 at Durty Nellie’s in Bunratty, county Limerick. We were fortunate enough to visit around Limerick and saw Durty Nellie’s but didn’t go in. The description of the area brought back memories. As in much Irish literature, there is tragedy in her story.

The mother is Rosealeen and it's interesting to read how each of her children view her and the relationship they have with their mother.  A lovely Irish setting for the most part and a story of an ordinary family and everyday life.

 Linking up with

 Marg at The Intrepid Reader for the 2021 Historical Reader Challenge 

Joy at Joy's Book Bog for British Isles Friday.

Marg of The Intrepid Reader blog is the host for the Historical Fiction Reading Challenge in 2021. T he sign up page may be located HERE so check it out if you'd like to join in.

Happy  reading!


  1. This sounds interesting and a bit different. I love anything set in Ireland so this has me curious.

    1. Katherine, it's not a bad read but honestly, I won't look for more of her work.

  2. I like novels that take me to memories of my trips.


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