Friday, September 3, 2021

The Family Plot by Megan Collins


Charlie, Tate, Dahlia and Andy Lighthouse are siblings, all named after murder victims. 
We learn that Dahlia is named after Black Dahlia an actress who was murdered.  Charlie was named after the Lindbergh baby.  Tate was named after Sharon Tate and Andy was named for Lizzie Borden's father. 

They grew up in isolation on Blackburn Island. In the first chapter you’ll read how screwed up their childhood was and wonder if any parent could be so horrible.  They weren't beaten or physically abused but the psychological damage is crazy. 

They thought it was normal to discuss crime cases, murders and made diaramas of the murder scenes. To them, that was normal as they were never exposed to a traditional childhood of riding bikes, going to school with others, plaing Candyland, etc.

We meet all the children (except Andy) as adults when they returned home after their father died. Andy is Dahlia’s twin and he disappeared years ago after stating the only way to change was to get out.   It gets better (not) when the father’s intended gravesite already has a body occupying the space. It’s Andy, his head cleaved with an ax. This is not a spoiler. 

I struggled through the first part of the book, then I started flipping ahead as this was a complimentary copy and I felt I had to give a review. It was my understanding this is a mystery but I would have added horror to the genre, just because of the psychological mind fuck these children endured. 

Based on this book I would not read any other novels by this author. Just not my cuppa tea.
Publication date August 17, 2021 by Atria Books.  Genre: Mystery and Thrillers.

Thank you to Netgalley for the advanced reader's copy of this book, all opinions are mine.


  1. Sounds rather odd from your description. Thanks for sharing your thoughts

    1. Shelleyrae, it just wasn't what I expected and I know there have been some great reviews for this book but I am falling into the 1 star camp.

  2. I love the idea of this but thought it might be too intense for me and it sounds like I was right. I don't think this would be my cuppa tea either.

    1. Katherine, you just have to like someone in a book, but I found all the characters unlikable.

  3. love your candid review! I shall put that on my NO list. I have listened to fascinating podcasts about all of those murders :)

    1. Tandy, I love a good mystery but this was way to weird for my taste!

  4. I was really looking forward to reading this one, but I ended up DNF'ing after a chapter or so. The book was just SO weird. I'm glad I gave up before it got even worse, LOL.



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