Friday, September 10, 2021

The Maid by Nita Prose


Molly Gray is a maid. Yes, the pun Molly Maid is mentioned a few times in this book.  She is a very competent maid and you'll realize she has some OCD going on, a socially awkward woman who doesn't understand how to connect with people. Molly sees everything situation in black and white and doesn't realize when she's being used or made fun of.

Molly makes her rounds cleaning at the Regency Grand hotel, enjoying her job and speaking to some of the guests. When she enters the suite of Mr and Mrs Black she discovers Mr. Black is dead

This was more of a cozy mystery, a completely PG 13 rated plot. As a reader you know which characters are bad and who is being used.  You will also discover Molly's resourcefulness discerning facts helps with the murder case.

Publication date January 4, 2022 by Random House Publishing - Ballentine.  Genre: Mystery, Thrillers and Women's Fiction.

Thank you to Netgalley for the advanced reader's copy of this book.  I was not compensated for the review, all opinions are mine.


  1. Gosh Reading 2022 releases already?! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this one.

    1. Shelleyrae, I only had this one for next year but I have been fortunate (lately) with Netgalley!

  2. This sounds like one I'd enjoy... will keep an eye out for it next year. (!)

    1. JoAnn, it's an easy read and nothing objectionable. I'm not usually a cozy mystery reader but I did enjoy this one.

  3. I've only started reading cozies last year, buy I love them! This one seems like a lot of fun and it's a very clever cover too!

    1. Elza, you would like this one then. It may still be available at Netgalley!

  4. Vicki, it was a cute mystery and you really wanted to protect Molly.

  5. I didn't realize that this was a cozy when I someone recommended it. I could use a few cozies in between and I kinda like the sound of this.


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The Shepherd's Life by James Rebanks

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