Sunday, December 5, 2021

2022 Nonfiction Reader Challenge

 I am going to shamelessly copy and paste what Shelleyrae posted on her blog about the 2022 Nonfiction Reader Challenge.  This is a challenge I enjoyed last year and learned new things as well.  I was going to sign up for the Nonfiction Nibbler category but I see a new category called Grazer. Personally I know I won't read economics and not sure about social history so....Grazer it is.

Want to join in?  Check out the information below and see signup details at the end of my post.

Nonfiction Nipper: Read & review 3 books, from any 3 listed categories

Nonfiction Nibbler: Read & review 6 books, from any 6 listed categories

Nonfiction Nosher: Read & review 12 books, one for each category


Nonfiction Grazer: Read & review any nonfiction book. Set your own goal


1. Social History

2. Popular Science

3. Language

4. Medical Memoir

5. Climate/Weather

6. Celebrity

7. Reference

8. Geography

9. Linked to a podcast

10. Wild Animals

11. Economics

12. Published in 2022

* You can choose your books as you go or create a list in advance. You may combine this challenge with others if you wish. Use your best good faith judgement as to whether a book fits the category or not.

The 2022 Nonfiction Reader Challenge Info and signup link is HERE. Check it out!


  1. This sounds like such a good challenge. I swore off challenges years ago (never completed them and they stressed me out), but times change. I'll probably go ahead and give this one a try. Good luck!

    1. JoAnn, I prefer this one to the November nonfiction event as I can read at my pace year round. Plus I love Shelleyrae ☺️ I do hope you’ll join in.

  2. Vicki, that's great! I wonder if we will pick some of the same books :-)

  3. Delighted you are joining Tina, I look forward to seeing what you choose to read

    1. I’m happy to join in, Shelleyrae. I learned new things with this challenge last year.

  4. Hi Tina! I've joined the Challenge too. I'm planning to become a Nonfiction Nosher. I completed the Challenge last year (my first one) by reading 12 books, one in each category (as well as reading other nonfiction=) and starting a blog to write reviews. I'll be checking your blog to see what you're reading. Have fun!

    1. RTT - that's great you completed 12 books! I will check in on your progress this year. Happy reading!

    2. It will be interesting to compare our choices. Happy reading to you too!


I’ve had use comment approval due to heavy spam. Sorry! But I check in daily. Thank you very much for visiting 😀

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