Friday, June 3, 2022

The Seagull and The Rising Tide by Ann Cleeves

 It's been a week of cathcing up with the latest Ann Cleeves book about Inspector Vera Stanhope. 

The Seagull is book eight in the Vera Stanhope series and I hate to say it but, it didn't thrill me.  I found myself skimming after a bit and this is unusual as I love the detective series and have read them all in order.  Maybe that's just me.

Vera is irritated by her new boss as he's given her an assignment for a speaking engagement at the prison.  There she meets up with John Brace, a former detective superintendent, who is serving time for corruption and a death.  Vera had a hand in his arrest and sentencing so no love lost there. Brace is in poor health and in exchange for favors, he is willing to impart information on an unsolved case.  It was plain out hard to like anyone or feel sympathy toward anyone in this novel. The investigation part was great, as always, but the characters lacked a connection for me.

FYI - I had read book nine The Darkest Evening last year as an ARC from NetGalley.

The Rising Tide is book ten in the series and this one has grabbed me completely.  I was fortunate enough to win an advanced reader's copy from Goodreads.  This plot had me reading whenever I had opportunity.  The story involves a group of friends who meet up for a reunion every five years.  This time it's the 50th anniversay/reunion and as you may imagine, all of the former students are close to 70 years old.

They meet on Holy Island, the same place where they first met up for a school function over fifty years ago.  The island and causeway deserve to be considered characters on their own as you are immersed in the atmosphere. There is a murder during the reunion and this naturally brings Vera and her team to investigate. 

Interjected into the plot is the fact that one of the students died on the causeway as the tide came in, dragging her car away and drowning the lovely Isobel so many years ago.  They pay tribute to her memory when they get together.

The end was so very sad for me and without spoilers I will say a scenario about a favorite character brought tears to my eyes.  I did not realize I was that invested with them! 

The Rising Tide will be published September 6, 2022. Much thanks to Goodreads for the ARC.


  1. I have tried one of hers but for me this was a rare case of the TV being better than the book. Cheers

    1. Carole, I haven't seen the TV series yet.

  2. Vicki, I am opposite of you there as I love a series. I'll be reading something anyway and I like getting to know regualr characters. Believe it or not but book one doesn't feature Vera until very late in the book!

  3. I've read the first book in Cleeve's newest series and really enjoyed it and have been wanting to try the Vera Stanhope series. It's a good sign that in books 8 and 10 you are still really enjoying them and feel connected to the characters. I find that isn't always the case in long running series.

    1. Katherine, I was upset by loss of one character at the end of book 10. Definitely invested in these folks!

  4. That second one does sound quite compelling! And isn't Cleeves the author of the books that Shetland (the show) was based on?

    1. Greg, yes she has three TV series out based on her writing. I can't imagine how thrilling that would be for an author.


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