Thursday, July 28, 2022

Walking Through History

If you are interested in history and most especially in English historical landmarks, I highly recommend the Walking Through History series. Check out this link HERE for an introduction to this exceptional series.

"Most of the walks Tony Robinson follows are around 100km long, and although he doesn't walk the full extent for the camera, he reckons he covers at least that distance during filming. "I walk my arse off," he says. "Every shot we do needs three or four takes - so I go up a mountain, come back down, and go up again."

The scenery is stunning and we enjoyed each episode. The photo below is from Cornwall, snapped from our TV as we watched.  This one detailed smuggling in the area and I learned the sayings "the coast is clear" and it's "all above board" originate from those times.

How I would love to be in shape and walk these trails. The history and walsk near Hadrians Wall was of particular interest to me.

Sharing with Joy's Book Blog for British Isles Friday.


  1. This does look like an excellent series. I'd need to sign up for Acorn TV to get it though. Maybe my library has a season...

    1. Heather, I don't have Acron but I did get it from my library.

  2. I think I've watched some of this series! If I haven't it's something similar that I really enjoyed. There's a virtual walking challenge where you can virtually walk different trails or famous areas and Hadrian's Wall is one of the locations.

    1. Katherine, I want to see the rest of his series, we have only seen the first two. It;s great.

  3. This is a great series and Tony Robinson is a great presenter. He was good on Time Team as well. Strikes me that he has the dream job - I'm well jealous!

    1. Mike, I have not seen Time Team, sounds interesting. He does indeed have a dream job.

  4. This sounds amazing. What a great way to do some fantasy travel when I can't make it to the British Isles.

    1. Joy, I recommend ths series, especially if you enjoy the historical parts.

    2. Ha! I may have misremembered how I first encountered this series -- sorry that I didn't give you credit!

  5. Vicki, this is an informative and fun series!


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