Friday, May 3, 2024

April Roundup

Note: I can not comment on WP blogs at this time. Even though I visit and try to comment, it won't work. There is a long winded reason for that and I need to wait for my old WP blog to delete.  Apparently it takes a month, long story.  Just a PSA here so you'll know.  Sorry to Vicki, Erin, Shelleyrae ðŸ˜ž and anyone else I didn't mention with WP.

Reading, planting and eating....

Loaded the back of Rav up with Asiatic lillies, portulacas, Arizona Sun Blankets and a lone tomato plant.  I am always hopeful of growing tomatoes.  The deer are always hopeful I will try.

One of my go-to favorite meals is a black bean enchilada topped with loads of lettuce, tomato, sour cream and green onions.  Easy vegetarian meal.  Maduros were a nice side...kinda Tex-Mex-Cuban fusion :-0

April reading was quite varied in location and genres. I  had a DNF with Tana French's latest book The Hunter.  Surprising as I am a big fan of hers but I think it was the Dublin Murder Squad books which had me hooked. The Cal Hooper series isn't doing it for me.

Nope 🖓

📚📚   Books read  📚📚

The Road to Dalton by Shannon Bowring

I am a Soldier, Too: The Jessica Lynch Story by Rick Bragg

The Empty House by Rosamunde Pilcher

Absolution by Alice McDermott - buddy read with JoAnn

April book travel took me to Maine, West Virginia, Iraq, Vietnam, Cornwall and Scotland.

 That's it for the April round up.   Looking forward to good reading this month.  Hope life is good for you all :-)

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  1. Sounds like April was a good month.

    1. It was, Mark. Thanks for stopping by :-)

  2. Wow The Road to Dalton sounds amazing!! I will have to look it up. :) And wow I didn't know that about WP!

    1. Erin, I really enjoyed The Road to Dalton but there are some tense parts in there. Looking forward to her next book. It's a thing with WP and my former blog there, Novel Meals. It says it will be permanently deleted in one month, I guess in case I changed my mind. In the meantime when I try and leave a comment elsewhere, it wants me to sign in to my WP account. Why can't I just use my email?! Hope that will be fixed soon.

  3. I love all the places you had a chance to visit via books in April. That meal looks really good. I hope you have a great week.

    1. Thank yuo, Yvonne. I appreciate it. Hope your week is great too.

  4. Your flowers are so beautiful... just love the color of the lilies! You had a great reading month, too. The Road to Dalton was so good that I may just preorder her second book. Thanks for reading Absolution with me, too. Think I'll leave Vietnam for the month of May, then try to read The Women this summer. Happy May!

    1. JoAnn, I do love the color of these lillies. Yesterday I saw a pale orange variety in pots. I just started reading The Woman Upstairs by Claire Messud. I see you have read that one so I will wait to read your review. So far I like it.

    2. Oh, love Claire Messud! Both The Woman Upstairs and her earlier novel, The Emperor's Children were 5-star reads for me. The Emperor's Children was my favorite book the year I read it. She's been described as a 'writer's writer', though I think readers opinions vary widely. I went with my book club several years ago to a talk she gave at a local university (in NY) and was quite impressed. She has a new novel coming out later this year which I'm already looking forward to.

    3. JoAnn, I see why you love her work, The writing reminds me a bit of Fresh Water for Flowers by Perrin. I will add The Emperor's Children as well. That's very cool you were able to see her speak.

  5. Your flowezrs are gorgeous and those enchiladas!!! My God!! Yum. What enchilada sauce do you use or do you make your own? Enchiladas are one of my favorite food groups. Hahahahaha.

    1. Jinjer, I love enchiladas too. Sometimes I put chicken in them and this time I went staright up black bleans for the protein. I use Old El Paso sauce for convenience but I have used tomato sauce and added spices. Yum!

      I tried to trick the WP thng today and comment on your blog but it now recognizes the dog's email address so, no dice. Hoping the old blog deletes and I can use my email again. So many of my friends are on WP.

    2. I can never remember if it's Old El Paso I like or La Victoria or Rosarito. I know one of them has a weird metallic taste.

      That's so weird about not being able to comment on WP blogs because it worked that one time! Oh well, I'm sure it will get all sorted out!

  6. Hope your commenting issues are fixed soon. it's frustrating when things don't work as they should!!

    Your enchiladas look delicious!

    Have a great week.

    1. Marg, I sure hope so. I regret having that WP blog. Thanks, those enchiladas are my favorite!

  7. Your garden sounds so lovely with all those plants and flowers! I am sure the deer will love your tomatoes too. LOL I will have to mention the black bean enchilada to my husband (he's the meal preparer in our family). I bet we would really like that! I am sorry The Hunter didn't work for you. I have only read one of her books--the first in her Dublin Murder Squad series--and loved it. I hope to someday read the other books in that series. I hope you have a great week and month of May, Tina! Happy reading!

    1. LT, thank you so much. Adding color to the garden brings lots of pleasure. As for the enchiladas I used cheese and black beans (both canned and refried canned) and green onions. You can always add meat if desired.

  8. I'm sorry you are having trouble with WordPress. I hope that resolves itself soon.

    Absolution should be coming in for me soon at the library. I'm looking forward to it.

    Good luck with your tomatoes!

    1. Deb, I hope as soon as my old WP blog deletes forever I can use my email address agan. It's the only way a comment is allowed with WP, they think I have an account.

      Hope you like Absolution, I want more of McDermott's work now.

  9. Those enchiladas sound wonderful, but I doubt I could convince my husband to eat them. He prefers cheese or chicken (but would really like ground beef, which is wrong!) enchiladas. Last week I made an enchilada casserole that was much easier and faster than rolling a dozen, so I may starting making mine that way all the time.

    I just finished The Road to Dalton last night and am working on my review. I really liked it, although it was a bit sad/depressing.

    I loved Tana French's "Dublin Murder Squad" series, but may skip this other one.

    Your plants look so pretty and colorful. I finally bought a bunch today and will start putting them in pots on the deck later this week. I'm waiting for the rain to STOP!! ;)

    1. Les, here is the assembly line way I make enchiladas. These have chicken as well but you can switch it out as you like:

      I obviously don't know how to add a hyperlink.

      So, I loved the Dublin Murder Squad and while I don't often reread books, The Likeness might make it's way into my reading this year. Great book. I didn't dislike the first Cal Hooper book Tana wrote ut this one put me off right away so, not bothering with that series. If you saw my stack of books you'd see why :-)

      Hope your rain stops soon, and thank you about the plants!

  10. I think I have a WP blog but I'm glad you can still comment. It's really frustrating when these things don't work correctly. You have such beautiful flowers. Good luck with the tomatoes. We are thinking of putting deer fencing around the vegetable garden this year. Hmm. And too bad about Tana French's latest book ... I heard it's slowwww.

    1. Susan, I am glad it works commenting on your blog! I can't sign in so, not sure whats up there. Agreed about the Tana French book, I wish she'd go back to the Dublin Murder Squad.

      We definitely need deer/rabbit fencing if I get serious about tomatoes again this year. Nothing like fresh tomatoes. I remember one year picking pole beans fresh for dinner. That's the life!

  11. Too bad the British Isles didn't provide you with good reading in April. Maybe in May!

  12. You had quite a lot of virtual travel in April! I love the Asiatic lilies. There is nothing better than fresh grown tomatoes. Weirdly we've had trouble with foxes the past few years. We've had a few incidents of young foxes playing in the raised beds. It's beyond adorable but not so great for growing things! I've heard some serioulsy mixed reviews for the new Tana French books. Hope you have a wonderful May!
    It got pretty loud up here with storms but thankfully no serious damage. The main issue for me has been this weather front has been bringing migraines. I will be glad when it goes away!


I’ve had use comment approval due to heavy spam. Sorry! But I check in daily. Thank you very much for visiting 😀

What a week......

I ended up behind this week in everything. Blogging, correspondence and the house is a  tip.  Tuesday my husband had a dentist appointment a...