Sunday, May 26, 2024

The May Roundup - lots of reading and a few tornadoes

Weather woes

👇 This cool VTOMAN Generator came in very handy when the Tallahassee area had severe storms and tornadoes two weeks ago.  Much thanks to Les at Coastal Horizons for posting about these generators.  We promptly bought two, a large one and small one. Hurricane season is around the corner for us so it's that time of year to prep.  Little did we know we'd be using those generators within a week from purchase. We were able to have a lamp on, make coffee and charge our phones/tablets.

Reading so far this month

The DNF this month was Barbara Kingsolver's Unsheltered. Two strikes on an author and I don't generally seek out more of their work.

📚📚   Books read  📚📚

The Woman Upstairs by Claire Messud

The Rachel Incident by Caroline O'Donoghue

The Will by Rebecca Reid

May book travel took me to Boston, Panama, Barbados, Norfolk, London and Cork Ireland.

That's it for the May round up.   Looking forward to good reading in June and may link up with The Twenty Books of Summer hosted at 746 Books. 

Thanks to Susan at The Cue Card for the inspiration to join in.  It has been fun starting my list so we will see how dedicated I can be.

 Hope life is good for you all :-)

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  1. We're having lots of stormy weather this month, too, but have only lost power for a few minutes now and then. Knock on wood!

    1. Joy, we have been watching the midwest and weather as we constantly contemplate moving closer to our son and family. You've had some rough weather!

  2. Tina, thank you for posting about the generator and letting us all know how helpful it was during your recent storms there. I've been through four hurricanes and many, many tropical storms, and we have no generator. It's something we should probably get. My brother ran his for 72 hours after the storms that blew through where he lives on the opposite side of Houston recently.

    I look forward to seeing your summer reading list. I'm already thinking of modifying mine!

    1. Deb, I am working on that reading list, I have so many books here and I don't want to bite off too much - such as several 800 page novels! The generators I talked about I saw on Les' blog, Coastal Horizons. We also have a gas powered Honda generator whihc runs the fridge during the day and an A/C window unit at night.

      Hurricane season is no joke!! I hope your brother was okay after those storms in Texas.

  3. Perfect timing with that generator! We should have one of those in FL. We're back in CT now and our neighborhood has underground power lines... neighbors say the power never goes out here. Your May books look good, especially The Women Upstairs. I though that was excellent!

    1. JoAnn, the generators certainly came in handy. I'm glad your CT place has underground utilities, that is so nice! We lived in a neighborhood with underground utilities about 30 years ago and we never lost electric. I miss that.

      The Messud book was good and I will look for more of her work.

  4. Ha. Look what I've got you into, planning for a list. Oh well, I hope you are having fun with it. And so glad the new generator has helped you already. Good grief I hope it's not a terrible season ahead of storms. Stay safe! Do you have a basement? Some day I'll read Messud ...

    1. Susan, it's fun maming the list - let's hope I follow through! Love a list though.
      We do not have a basement, Florida homes just don't have them. I grew up in Pennsylvania and Michigan and had basements so that was nice. Lots of strage and a place for me to roller skate when I was kid! Safe place to shelter too.

  5. Dang! That generator looks A LOT easier to use than that gigantic beast on my mom's back porch in Arkansas that I was too a-scared of to fill with gasoline after a friend showed me the 20 billion things you have to do to get it going.

    1. Jinjer, and it's rechargable! We made sure it had a full charge before storage and if it starts running out (depending on how long you use it) you can haul them to a place where electric has been restored. We are rural so Tallahassee always gets electric back long before we do.

  6. I'm bookmarking the generator! It would be amazing to have something to charge your phone and especially get coffee going! We lost power for about 5 hours a few weeks ago because an animal got into a substation and took power out for about 30,000 people! Of course my phone was on 10%. What fun travel for May! I don't think I've ever been to Barbados or Panama bookishly. I've never read anything from Barbara Kingsolver. Something about her books has just never appealed to me. Happy June!

    1. Katherine, that generator was a life saver! That's awful about the animal destroying the substation, what a story!!

  7. I am so glad the VTOMAN came in handy! As you know, we have two, in addition to a larger generator that is in the garage, but I'm hoping we don't need any of them for a long time. With all the people who have bought one on my recommendation, I should get a discount on the next one I buy. Or at least get a discount code for referrals, right? Maybe someday I'll write up a big post about all of our emergency preparations. We're focusing on water storage right now, as well as water filtration/purification systems in case of a big earthquake and we lose our water source from the city. Of course, we live in a forest, so we'll probably be crushed by all the trees if there's a big earthquake (we're on the Cascadia fault line).

    Sorry to hear that Unsheltered was a bust for you. It isn't one of my favorites of Kingsolvers. Maybe I can convince you to try Flight Behavior later this year. :)

    1. Les, hell yes you should get a discount or something free from VTOMan!! We also have the two and a gas generator. Florida hurricane season is no joke! I had no idea you were in the forest. I saw your home photos and it looks pretty but that is certainly lots of trees to be concerned about. We have had some close to the house removed, especially after hurricane Micheal!

    2. We have removed a few trees, but even if we were allowed to remove all of them (which we wouldn't want to do), there are still all the trees on the surrounding properties. BTW, we live in an HOA, so we're restricted as to how many trees we're allowed to remove. We have a forest management committee to oversee the health and safety of the trees in our community. It's a balancing act what with the increase in fire danger, too.


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