Friday, November 29, 2024

November Reading Roundup

I can't believe I am getting my November reading round up posted in November! I read four books this month and made plans for some great challenges next year.   Looking forward to more buddy reads, classics and nonfiction....but for now let's get this short post started.

📚📚   Books read  📚


Bullfighting by Roddy Doyle

The Woman Behind the Door by Roddy Doyle

My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante

The Wedding People by Alison Espach

November book travel took me to Rhode Island, Ireland and Italy.

📚 Currently Reading 📚

That's it for the November round up.   Looking forward to more good reading in December. I'd love to know what books you favored this month and what reading goals you may have for next year.  Hope life is good for you all :-)

Here’s a snap of Loki soaking up the sunshine.

Sharing with Deb at Readerbuzz for Sunday Salon. and Joy's Book Blog for Britsh Isles Friday.


  1. Good for you to get your post published before December! :) I may do the same. As far as reading goals for 2025, I'm going to stick with monthly goals. I usually make a stack of the books that I intend to read since I have a huge TBR bookcase. I aim for some books that have been lurking for years (decades?), as well as some that are newly published. I have a couple of year-long personal challenges that I'll talk about in January. Glad you and Loki are enjoying some sunshine. It's sunny here, but COLD! 36 this morning, but no rain, thankfully.

    1. Les, I think that has only happened two other times in years! I usually manage my roundup first week of the next month.
      Looking forward to reading the personal challenges you mentioned. Great to get to those books on the shelf and I am going to start in on a few this month.

  2. Looks like you had a good reading month, and that Loki is living his best life!

    1. Thanks, Joy. Loki is my little reading buddy and he likes sitting outside when we can as I read.

  3. I spent yesterday working on my challenges for 2025. I had them all nicely laid out, and I suddenly took a notion to delete everything and just read, but, fortunately, I went back and un-deleted (is that a word?) everything I'd just deleted before I saved it. I would like to keep things simple, but I do like to make sure I read a little of everything I enjoy.

    Seasonally, I go through my TBR stacks and resort them, setting some of them out for permanent removal in my LFL. I need to do that today, I think.

    1. Deb, I didn't want to take on too many goals, just read what I have and insert more nonfiction. Sometimes I see a challenge and think, that would be fun, but don't want to do more planning than actual reading. You are corret - keep it simple.

    2. I went a lot of years without doing any. But I enjoy the sense of community it builds here in our little blog world.

    3. Agreed! For me it's my only socialization. I love talking to people this way.

  4. Loki is just darling. Love seeing him. The sun looks nice there. You had a good reading month. And I must say tackling my first Ferrante with you was the big plus this month, yay. I haven't thought too much about 2025 reading yet. But maybe on our Calif break I will. I'm still trying to fit a few books in for Dec. Enjoy the week ahead.

    1. Susan, I am starting a few books I have on the shelf here this week. Not waiting for the new year to start that personal goal. If the book doesn't grab me I will add it to the little free library in a nearby town.

      Ferrante was great and I look forward to reading more of the series in 2025. We will have to arrange a date :-) Have fun in California and a safe trip getting there. Chat with you soon.

  5. I wish I had some sun to soak up like Loki! It looks like you really enjoy Roddy Doyle’s writing. Happy December reading!

    1. Carla, today it was 33 when I got up, but sunny. Loki will want to sit out in it and I guess I will wear a coat to join him.

  6. Aww Loki looks so adorable! And what is this sun you speak of? Lol. I feel like we haven't seen the sun in forever!

    1. Erin, I would send you some sun if I could!

  7. I don’t think I’ve ever read anything by Roddy Doyle. The Wedding People seems to be generally well received, I’ll have to read your review.

    Wishing you a happy reading week

    1. Shelleyrae, I have read quite a few of his books and plan to get back to Henry trilogy soon. The Wedding People was not what I expected and I did like it. Review coming up.

  8. I like the cover of The Wedding People and My Brilliant Friend.
    All these books sound good.
    Loki is basking in the sun and living the good life.

    1. Vicki, Loki indeed is living the good life. He is my reading buddy and we have some good books planned. Staying in as it's chilly today.

  9. Loki’s enjoyment of the sun makes me smile. I enjoyed The Wedding People and hope that you did too.

    1. Jodie, thank you. Love that little dog and I am glad we could make is life better than what he had. Yes, the Wedding People was certainly a change of pace.

  10. Congratulations on all your reading goals / progress / achievements!

    As for 2025 reading events, so far all I've done is move all my physical books to the top shelf of my bookcase so that it will be easier to organize them by the monthly challenges. Then I forgot all about the project until just now when I saw your post. Oops. How the heck did I get so sidetracked??? Oh well, I've still got a month to get myself organized.

    Sweeeeeet Loki in the sun!

    1. Jinjer, I forget what the January month of reading is...need to go back to your blog and see the categories. Loki says hello to you and Marilyn xo

  11. You had a good reading month and it sounds like you're getting organized for 2025, too! Glad you liked My Brilliant Friend. I enjoyed it, but waited months to continue with the rest of the series. When I did get to book 2, I loved it and immediately started book 3... which ended up being my favorite. Hope to read Roddy Doyle one of theses days and will read The Wedding People later this month. Suppose I should start getting my 2025 plans together... Happy December!

    1. JoAnn, happy December to you as well! I did indeed enjoy reading about the growing friendship in My Brilliant Friend and I ought to go ahead and buy book 3. I have book 2. The Wedding People won one of the best books on Goodreads. This might be the first year I read two of the winners in advance - The Wedding People by Espach and The Women by Kristen Hannah.

      Looking forward to loads of reading in 2025!

  12. Oh I love the picture of Loki! He looks like he's loving it and I envy him as it's cold here right now. Looks like good reading in November. I've added The Wedding People to my TBR based off you're review and am looking forward to reading it. Happy December!

    1. Katherine, I hope you enjoy The Wedding People. It wasn't what I thought and was leasantly surprised. Getting another of Espach's books this weekend at the library. Try and stay warm, it IS cold today for us - 37 when I got up with wind. Had to cut my walk short.


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