Monday, December 9, 2024

The Classics Club - My 50 titles

 Well I am taking the plunge and joining The Classics Club.  Having been intimidated by it for years I think I can manage these books in a five year period. Now I am excited by it and had a blast making my list!  

It's meant to be your personal dream list of titles and after reading the "rules" I am comfortable with the titles selected.  All are over 25 years in publication.  If you are interested check out the link HERE, or scroll to the bottom where I copied/pasted the details for joining in.

Here is my living list. I will add  a tab on this blog to link reviews and completion dates.

  1. Braithwaite, E.R. - To Sir with Love
  2. Brin, David - The Postman
  3. Brittain, Vera - Testament of Youth (nonfiction)
  4. Bronte, Anne - Agnes Grey
  5. Bronte, Charlotte - Villette
  6. Bronte, Emily - Wuthering Heights
  7. Brookner, Anita - Hotel Du Lac
  8. Capote, Truman - Breakfast at Tiffany's 
  9. Christie, Agatha - And Then there Were None
  10. Collins, Wilkie - The Woman in White 
  11. Conrad, Joseph - The Heart of Darkness
  12. Du Maurier, Daphne - Scapegoat
  13. Fielding, Henry -Tom Jones
  14. Ford Madox Ford - The Good Soldier 
  15. Forster, E.M. - A Room with a View 
  16. Forster, E.M. - Howards End 
  17. Fowles, John - The Collector
  18. Frank, Anne - The Diary of a Young Girl
  19. Gaarder, Jostein - Sophie's World
  20. Gallico, Paul -The Snow Goose 
  21. Golden, Arthur - Memoirs of a Geisha
  22. Greene, Bette - The Summer of my German Soldier
  23. Greene, Graham - The Quiet American
  24. Hardy, Thomas - Tess of the D'urbervilles
  25. Heller, Joseph - Catch 22
  26. Heller, Joseph - Closing Time
  27. Hemingway, Ernest - A Moveable Feast (nonfiction)
  28. Hemingway, Ernest - Farewell to Arms
  29. Ishiguro, Kazuo -The Remains of the Day 
  30. James, Henry - Daisy Miller
  31. Kerouac, Jack - On the Road
  32. Lewis, Sinclair - It Can't Happen Here 
  33. Lindsay, Joan - Picnic at Hanging Rock
  34. Magorian, Michelle - Goodnight, Mr. Tom
  35. Maugham, W. Somerset - Of Human Bondage
  36. McCullough, Colleen - The Thorn Birds
  37. Michener, James - Chesapeake
  38. Orwell, George - The Road to Wigan Pier (nonfiction)
  39. Plath, Sylvia - The Bell Jar
  40. Remarque, Erich - All Quiet on the Western Front
  41. Shute, Nevil - A Town Like Alice
  42. Steinbeck, John - The Pearl
  43. Styron, William - Sophie's Choice 
  44. Tolstoy, Leo - The Death of Ivan Ilyich
  45. Vonnegut, Kurt - Slaughterhouse Five
  46. Waugh, Evelyn - Brideshead Revisited 
  47. Wilder, Laura Ingells - Little House on the Prairie
  48. Wilder, Laura Ingells - Little House in the Big Woods 
  49. Wodehouse, P.G. - My Man Jeeves
  50. Woolf, Virginia - Mrs. Dalloway
My projected goal to complete this list will be December 30, 2029 but I hope to finish sooner.  Starting this month with The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro.

What is the Classics Club? From the blog:

  • choose 50+ classics
  • list them at your blog
  • choose a reading completion goal date up to five years in the future and note that date on your classics list of 50+ titles
  • e-mail the moderators of this blog ( with your list link and information and it will be posted on the Members Page!
  • write about each title on your list as you finish reading it, and link it to your main list
  • when you’ve written about every single title, let us know.
Book one on tap 

Let's get reading!


  1. Good luck, I hope you reach your goal. I may join, haven't decided yet.

    1. Vicki, that would be fun. Maybe we can do a buddy read if any of your books are on my list :-)

  2. Yay! So many good ones you've picked. Favs on your list off the top of my head: The Diary of a Young Girl, Memoirs of a Geisha, Moveable Feast, Remains of the Day which are all excellent! I must like the modern-ish ones, 20th century, lol. Also like: The Bell Jar and Sophie's Choice. I should read The Thorn Birds and Chesapeake. It's hard to believe some of these are over 25 years old ... dating myself. You have me wanting to read these. Good luck & enjoy. Ishiguro is a master!

    1. Susan, I'm happy to hear you say so many are good! I absolutely love Michener and while his books are always 900 plus pages, I am excited about Chesapeake. Last night I started Remains of the Day and like the style. Not sure which to read next but maybe The Road to Wigan Pier by Orwell, combine my nonfiction challenge books with this.

  3. Your selection of titles is impressive, and I'm particularly interested in your goal to finish by December 30, 2029. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts as you progress through your list. Happy reading!

    1. Thank you, Lux. I appreciate the comment. I started Ishiguro last night and am enjoying it.

  4. I've read Wuthering Heights, And Then There Were None, The Diary of a Young Girl, Memoirs of a Geisha, The Thorn Birds, The Bell Jar, All Quiet on the Western Front, Little House on the Prairie and Little House in the Big Woods, and Mrs. Dalloway. Gave up on Catch 22 and On the Road. Maybe I'll give The Remains of the Day a try. I loved the film! Good luck and have fun!

    1. Les, thanks. Thorn Birds is a reread but it's been decades.

  5. Tina, I'm so happy that you are excited about giving this a go! One of the things I like about the Classics Club is that there are no rules set in stone. If you start a book, and don't like it, you can always replace it on your list. If it takes longer than five years to finish your list, that's fine, too. If you finish this one, you can start another list. Enjoy!

    1. Deb, I am excited about joining in and have already started my first book on my list. I also like the flexible rules so if I get stuck I can change one out. Thank you very much for the encouragement!

    2. Good luck from all of us at the Classics Club!

    3. Thank you! This will be a fun endevour!

  6. Love this list! I see quite a few books I've read (most recently The Remains of the Day), several I want to reread, and some from my tbr list. Think I've mentioned that I'm on my second Classics Club list. It's been over 5 years, but no worries because the rules are flexible. Maybe we can buddy read some of these. :)

    1. JoAnn, I was thinking the same about a buddy read! We can compare which we both have and make a date. Personally I think I can read these in under 5 years and may add to the list after a year. Remains of the Day is good and I'm 50% done.

      Let me look at your list & mine now :-)

    2. Tina - I'm taking another look at my list today (It's been a while!) and cleaning thngs up a bit.

  7. Aah, And Then There Were None is such a classic of Christie's. I hope you enjoy it!

    I'm really tempted to join in now. :D I could fill mine up with so much classic crime, ahaha.

    1. Nicky, I am looking forward to that one. You ought to join in. It's not as intimidating as I thought!

  8. What a great list! I love Tess of the D'urbervilles, And Then There Were None, A Room with a View, and all of the Jeeves books. I'm looking forward to seeing your thoughts and you progress through this list!

    1. Katherine, I am almost ready to post about my first one, Remains of the Day and have plans for the next two. It's fun. Heck, I am reading anyway so I may as well use a list :-)


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Classic Club Spin

Since joining the Classics Club I have managed to read two from my list, so that's going well.  Today I will be participating in my firs...