Sunday, March 23, 2025

A puzzle, a fox and lots of books

Sunday already.  This week has flown by for me. The temps have been up and down so one day we are sitting on the porch while Loki suns himself and the next I have the heater going and I'm inside working on a puzzle.

I have a new puzzle, courtesy of my son, so I started sorting the colors on Monday evening. It's the World of Jane Austen with a photo key on the back describing each character and which book they belong with. Very cool.

A fox visited us this week to eat the birdseed.  Sometimes I think I am feeding everyone but birds here :-)

Books finished this week

The Backyard Bird Chronicles by Amy Tan

The Snow Goose by Paul Gallico

The Book Club by Roisin Meaney

Currently reading / Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh and Eight Hundred Grapes by Laura Dave.

Mailbox Monday brought me the latest issue of Book Page and JoAnn sent me Three Days in June by Anne Tyler.

That's it for the week. Hoping for a little outing next week to get photos of birds and alligators.

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Deb at Readerbuzz for Sunday Salon

Vicki for Mailbox Monday


  1. I haven't been in a reading mood lately. You did well!

    1. Thanks, Jackie. I've been reading more for pleasure than watching the news....which is crazy depressing.

  2. A naturalist friend today was telling us that the alligators at the nearby state park were acting very aggressive last week. It's dating season for them, he told us.

    I love seeing that beautiful fox. It's an animal I've never seen.

    1. Deb, we have several families of foxes and they are wonderful to watch. I will be very careful if I see an alligator!

  3. The puzzle looks fun! That's a healthy-looking fox. We see them around here, occasionally, but they don't always look that good.

    1. Joy, I have been working on it every chance I get, to the detriment of my reading.

  4. I love the look of the Jane Austen puzzle! I've had my eye on a similar Agatha Christie puzzle but haven't gotten it yet. We haven't taken the time to do a puzzle in awhile so I want to wait until I know we will actually do it before I buy it. Love seeing the pictures of the foxes! We had one living right near our bedroom window for awhile and it was always fun (if a bit startling) to hear it. I'm curious about Eight Hundred Grapes. I have the audio but really didn't like another book I read by the author.

    1. Katherine, let me know if you get the Agatha Christie puzzle and please post a photo!

  5. Great post! Love the puzzle too. 1000 pieces! Hope you are enjoying it. Your son sent you a good one -Austen too. And that is one healthy looking fox. Mr. Fox looks like he's doing well and apparently appreciates the bird seed. That was nice of JoAnn to send the Anne Tyler book. Looks like a quick slice of life one. Have a great week.

    1. Susan, the foxes here tend to look like stuffed toys, all fluffy. The red ones look very feral though. The puzzle is a blast!

  6. What a cool puzzle! I'm slowly working on one, but only spend a few minutes at a time, so it's going to take me a while. Once I get further along, I'll probably sit there for an hour or so.

    That's a beautiful fox! We used to see them in and around our neighborhood in Lincoln, but my biggest thrill was seeing one up close in a campground in the Tetons last fall. They sure seem curious about us humans, don't they?

    Lucky you! I'm eager to hear how you like Three Days in June. JoAnn's a sweetheart to send it to you.

    Have a great week, Tina!

    1. Les, I get so lost when piecing the puzzle together. This one is close to being finished. The foxes here are very curious but I am glad I quit feeding them years back. It became a problem.

  7. My daughter got me that same puzzle for Christmas! I brought it to FL with us, but haven't done a single one all winter... haven't been in the mood for puzzling, I guess. We'll see if I end up doing it or bringing it back to CT! We used to have foxes around in NY, but not here. Plenty of coyotes, bobcats, and alligators though. Glad Three Days in June made it to you - classic Anne Tyler story!

    1. JoAnn, I got started a week ago Monday and am almost done with the puzzle. It's so addictive. If you take it back to CT dpn't forget the Publix plastic trays for sorting!
      Three Days in Jine was a fun read, thank you! I passed it on to Les....well I will when I get to the post office today :-)

  8. We don’t have foxes here so I love to see photos of them. I hope that you enjoy Three Days in June as much as I did. Have a great week.

    1. Jodie, I've been readng much more these days. Glad you liked the fox photo. Hoping to get bird and alligator photos today.

  9. Love the look of the puzzle!
    I hope you enjoy both the magazine and Three Days in June

    Wishing you a wonderful reading week

    1. Thank you, Shelleyrae. The book was good and I am a sucker for a magazine all about the latest books.

  10. Looks like a fun and challenging puzzle. We have coyotes in my area.
    Mary @Bookfan

    1. Mary, the puzzle is challenging and addictive. We also have coyotes and I love hearing them crank up howling in the evenings.


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A puzzle, a fox and lots of books

Sunday already.  This week has flown by for me. The temps have been up and down so one day we are sitting on the porch while Loki suns himse...