Thursday, March 13, 2025

If it's raining I'll be in the kitchen with a book

This week I have gotten quite a bit of reading time in.  We had storms for several days with unrelenting rain causing mini ponds to form in our field. I can hear the frogs in the evening now, enjoying themselves with so much standing water. 

Besides more reading time, the rain kept me inside making hot lunches and cookies. 

Here is a carmelized onion and chedder quiche loaded with chives from Mary McCartney's cookbook Food. Easy enough and fun to look through this cookbook.

In book news....

Currently reading / Backyard Bird Chronicles, Brideshead Revisited and The Snow Goose.

The Snow Goose by Paul Gallico is an older book the library was taking out of circulation.  I like old books, the feel of them and the bent pages where previous readers marked a passage.  On the sale trolley for $1 so how could I resist, especially as it's on my Classics Club list.

Brideshead Revisited is also on my Classics Club list and happens to be the one picked by their game The Spin

Armchair travel this week is California, Oxford and Essex England.   That's about it.  Not a crazy exciting week here but I am getting some good reading in.  I hope your week is a good one.

Sharing with:

Deb at Readerbuzz for Sunday Salon

Joy for British Isles Friday.


  1. Oh I love quiche! It's been raining here too but unfortunately on my in-office days so I haven't been able to enjoy it. I have managed to get some reading time in though once I get home. Currently reading Evenings & Weekends, quite good. Night Watch, really good and Red Dog Farm, which is beautifully written.

    1. Thanks, Ti :-) I will check oout the titles you mentioned. The book bloggers help me discover new authors and series. Hope your day is a good one.

  2. I made quiche a couple of weeks ago and it didn't turn out very well. I wish I could remember where I found the recipe... I think I prefer frittatas, though. Both are great for dinner and lunch leftovers!

    We've had a lot of rain again, too, but the sun is out right now. We have to drive over to Salem (90 minutes each way) for dermatology appointments, and I'm hoping the rain holds off until we get back home. It's a pretty drive when the sun is out.

    I've started re-reading Olive Kitteridge and will be gain The Hand That First Held Mine (Maggie O'Farrell) once I finish the Strout book. I just finished Beyond That, The Sea by Laura Spence-Ash, which was very, very good!

    Have a good day and a lovely weekend, Tina!

    1. Les, this quiche is always a go-to for me and it turns out. I cheat and use the Pillsbury crust from the refrig section though. Frittatas are great!

      Wow, 90 miles to get to your doctor. That must take some time management. I didn't realize you were so far from a large city. As for books, I am still looking for that last Maggie O'Farrell book but I have plenty to keep me busy. I loved Beyonf That, the Sea. That was a good one and I would like to read more by that author.

  3. Oh, that quiche looks so good! I've been making skinnytaste's crustless quiches lately and, to be honest, I miss the crust. We only had one day of rain here. Thankfully the storms had weakened by the time they got this far south. I think we're done with rain for a while now...

    1. Thank you, JoAnn. This is a tried and true lunch and always enjoy it. Hope the storms miss you. When we have multiple days of rain it brings the mood down. Then again, I sure read more.

  4. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGg that quiche looks so goooooooooooood! And I miss the sound of frogs. They were so loud at my mom's house in Arkansas and one evening a cute little froggie was in the gravel of her driveway! Thrilled me to no end!

    1. Jinjer, come and have a slice!! You'd love it here if you like frogs. they are everywhere especially when it rains. We have a small part of the land that dips and is a constant wetland. I ahve even seen crayfish in this tiny stream.

  5. Yum! I'm a huge caramelized onion fan and I do love a good quiche. I'm about to start The Backyard Bird Chronicle. I have to finish it by Monday because it has to go back to the library but we are supposed to have bad weather this week so I'm looking forward to cozing up and reading this.

    1. Katherine, I hope you enjoy the book. It;s a fat one and so many beautiful illustrations. This weather pattern is crazy now. We are also getting some pretty bad storms!

  6. It's been raining a lot in many places! Glad you got your cooking and reading in!

    1. Harvest, hope your weather is nice, almost Spring and I'm looking forward to the blossoms.

  7. Oh that quiche looks delicious! It’s been raining here a lot too. Let’s hope next week is drier for both of us.

    1. Thanks, Jodie! Hoping for better weather for us all :-)

  8. I absolutely love cookbooks and read them almost like a regular book, marking all I want to try, then me and my husband start cooking LOL

    Here is my link:

    1. Teri, i like perusing the cookbooks too. I always get new ideas even if it means swapping out one ingredient or so.

  9. Quite a good coincidence that you saw The Snow Goose for sale at the library and it's on your classics list. I don't know the book but I look forward to hearing about it. I have not gotten back to Brideshead Revisited yet ... but hope to this coming week. I'm impressed with your quiche - it looks good! I made an enchilada casserole last night and was pleased how it turned out. I hope the sun is out there today. Enjoy.

    1. Susan, they had that book on the shelf for ages and I think if something doesn't get checked out for over a year or more they place it on sale. Not sure of the time frame.
      Brideshead is a slower read, so far, but that could be because I am finishing up two others so, my attention isn't totlly focused on it.
      Oh, I love enchiladas and plan to make them again this week but I don't think I have ever done the casserole.

  10. That's cool that you found one of your classics on the sale trolley at the library! I haven't heard any frogs, yet. They may want a bit longer since we still have some cold nights coming up.

    1. Joy, I gelt lucky to get the book. It has wear on the spine and you can see it's an old copy but I like it.

  11. I don't remember ever having quiche. I'll add the ingredients to my next grocery order.
    I hope you have a great week!

    1. Vicki, if you like eggs you'll probably like quiche. You can add any ingredients to the egg mixture such as sausage or ham or use different cheeses.

  12. It's probably been fifteen years since I made quiche. That's too long. I shall add it to my list of dishes to make this summer.

    I love the beauty of The Snow Goose cover. I look forward to hearing more about that book. It's new to me. I've always been one for lesser-known treasures when it comes to books.

    1. Deb, I will get the Snow Goose post up this coming week, Just finished The Backyard Bird book, it's a beauty. Quiche makes a great lunch with some oven roasted tomatoes.

  13. Your quiche looks amazing! And now, I’m hungry.


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If it's raining I'll be in the kitchen with a book

This week I have gotten quite a bit of reading time in.  We had storms for several days with unrelenting rain causing mini ponds to form in ...