Anna is a young English woman who takes a trip to Italy to research her mother's past. Ines Santini, Anna's Italian mother, didn't talk about her time during the war. Ines married a British soldier when the war ended and they moved to England.
When Ines died she left her diaries to her daughter Anna. There was a large family estate left to the older brother Harry and jewelry left to her sister Jane. Mom knew Anna would appreciate the diaries. When you get midway through you'll understand the importance of the diaries and secrets they hold.
The old diary entries and time in present day Italy was interesting. The parts about Ines after she moved to England was sad but set the plot for important revelations.
Once Anna arrives in Italy you can see what is going happen by chapter four when Anna is annoyed by the good looking Francesco who becomes a guide. Anyone? Hands raised that we go from annoyance to an attraction she wants to deny to full blown love.
I love the cover, such a beautiful setting. Also the Italian dialogue throughout was a great authentic touch.
This book seemed familiar yet I know I couldn't have read it. It won't be published until June 26, 2019. As I read more and enjoyed the descriptive passages about the food and setting in Perugia Italy, it clicked why this was so familiar. The premise is so very similar to The Tuscan Child by Rhys Bowen which I read in February of 2018.
In fairness The Tuscan Child plot involved only one adult daughter and it was the deceased father who left an inheritance of old love letters from Italy. Also during WW II and also involving an old house. This is indeed a different story just very similar. If you are a fan of books set in Italy and the split time line spilling the secrets of the past, you will enjoy this book.
Foodie items include fresh chicken and polenta, Cibatta, black olives, pecorino cheese, ravili with chicken beast, lemon zest and nutmeg, aubergines, wine - lots of wine. The English foods include Toad in the hole, battered sausages, Yorkshire pudding, Victoria sponge cake, apple pie, fruitcake.