Wednesday, September 8, 2021

2021 nonfiction Challenge Roundup

It's still early in the year to complete this reading challenge but I probably won't get to the other categories.  Not this year :-) 

I had signed up for the book challenge at Shelleyrae's site Book'd Out and went for the Nibbler category of six books. While I did read more than six books I didn't use all the categories.

Here's my round up.

  1. Biography
  2. Travel The Olive Farm by Carol Drinkwater and Clanlands
  3. Self-help
  4. Essay Collection Wine Reads - Wine Reads: A Literary Anthology of Wine Writing
  5. Disease Twelve Patients: Life and Death at Bellevue Hospital by Eric Manheimer, M.D.
  6. Oceanography
  7. Hobbies Practical Houseplant Book
  8. Indigenous Cultures
  9. Food The Search for God and Guinness
  10. Wartime Experiences Dispatches
  11. Inventions
  12. Published in 2021

Nonfiction Reader Challenge hosted by Shelleyrae at Book'd Out.  Check out the sign up post and info HERE.

The challenge runs from January 1 through December 31, 2021. 


  1. I know I am not going to get to all the categories either. I'm so far behind and other non-fiction books catch my interest. I'm no good at challenges!

    1. Heather, If I don't keep a notebook with the goals I'd be hopeless!

  2. Vicki, I can't manage more than two or three.

  3. Congratulations Tina! Reaching your goal of Nibbler is a wonderful achievement!

    1. Thanks, Shelleyrae! Maybe I'll bump it up next year to another level :-)


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