Sunday, December 20, 2020

Troubled Blood by Robert Galbraith

Once more we have Cormoran Strike and his partner Robin Ellacot knocking it out of the park in this detective series.  There are so many investigations they are juggling yet you won't be confused by the storylines as they are clearly explained.

I will say up front that I have seen very mixed reviews on this novel based on everything from the length of book to how fast the plot advanced to plain hate over J.K. Rowling and her opinions.  On Goodreads I have seen a post stating if you support Rowling/Galbraith they will unfriend you.  Seriously.

I enjoyed the book and am looking forward to the next in the series.  She stated in previous interviews the series would have seven books (just like the Harry Potter series). While the main characters, Cormoran and Robin, have an obvious attraction to one another, I am hoping she won't get them together until the last book.  If at all. For now let it be all investigative and mystery plotting. If you read it through you'll knpw the spark between them is genuine yet they don't want to ruin a great partnership and friendship.

The supporting characters were well fleshed out and I liked the addition of Strike's childhood friend Dave Polworth.  He cracks me up with his devotion to Cornish nationalism and his accent comes through as you are reading his parts.  He's a wonderful friend to Strike and comes through for him as Strike's Aunt Joan is dying of cancer.

A new detective at the agency named Saul Morris is one that brings drama.  My husband was ahead of me reading this book as I had another novel to finish.  He knew when Saul did something reprehensible as I suddenly said, "Oh no he didn't!" - Doug knew I'd gotten to "that part" of the book.  No spoilers from me.

Margot Bamborough is the main case focused on here, a cold case from 40 years ago. Her daughter is Anna Phipps and she hires Strike to take a last look at this cold case. There are quite a few suspects and I can say I never saw it coming when all was revealed.

Looking forward to more of this series.  Great writing.  

Sharing with Joy for British Isles Friday.



  1. I DNF'd this audiobook but I normally love the series. I'm on a waiting list at the library for a digital version so I can skim the plot and see how Strike and Robin's relationship develops. I didn't like the plotting of this one but still plan to read the next in the series.

    1. I think listening vs reading can a make a difference with some books. This one was long! I was happy with the resolutions and was surprised.

  2. So glad to see that you decided to keep blogging!

    1. Thanks! I baby stepped back in. Apparently I can’t stop writing about books!

  3. I’ve only watched the TV adaption of this series. I know this title caused a lot of controversy though,

    1. ShelleyRae, I have seen the first episode and felt they captured the book well. She writes loooong books but I like a series very much.

  4. I'm glad you are still hanging around the blogosphere.

    1. Thank you, Deb. I am hoping to get into a good swing of blogging for next year. Can't resist!

  5. I really enjoyed the first one but was just okay with the second and with those hefty page numbers I didn't really push myself to continue. I was really afraid she would put Robin and Strike together so I'm glad she didn't - or at least hasn't yet.

    1. Katherine, it is indeed a lengthy read and I would recommend a Kindle version. So far those two are not a couple and i can see where it might happen but I am so hoping to leave it to the last book. Lots going on in this book!

  6. I decided to boycott this one in support of some younger friends who feel hurt by Rowling's recent statements. I devoured earlier books in the series, but even then, found some cringey moments in how she presents characters of different identities. I'm glad to know that you enjoyed it, though!

    1. Joy, I very much like the series and will read the remaining two books planned to wrap it up. I did notice some reviews which stated a male serial killer dressed as a woman, those folks had complaint about that BUT it isn't in this book that a serial killer is a cross dresser. Those folks evidently did not read this book.

  7. I've listened to all of the Cormoran Strike books on audio, and didn't get to finish this one before the library loan expired. The wait time estimate was another six months (!) so I may have to finish this one some other way. The mystery element of it was pretty much spoiled, of course, with all the advance publicity and controversy, which was impossible to avoid. I can't say I'm 100% conversant with the issues and the controversy, but I felt sorry for Rowling because I agree with her that politically correct speech doesn't mean you can never say anything that someone else disagrees with. A differing opinion is not automatically "hate speech".


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