Thursday, July 29, 2021

Watch Her Fall by Erin Kelly

Erin Kelly takes us deep into the world of a Russian ballet company detailing sacrifices and deception in this twisty narrative.  The setting is London and the performance is Swan Lake. 

Nikolai Kirilov is the director and founder choreographer of the London Russian Ballet.  He was once a great dancer and now it’s his daughter Ava who is the star of the company.
One day Ava will take over the company as Nicky is getting old and is ill. Ava will be dancing the lead role of Odette and Odile, both the white and black swans, and it's an emotionally charged role. The story of Swan Lake is a tragedy and the ancers immerse themselves in the roles.

 I'm not sure what my fascination with ballet is but if there is a ballet setting or plot I usually want to read the book. Having said that, it is extremely detailed about the dancers' training and sacrifice, jealousy and pain. Even though I like the ballet aspect I was beginning to tire of that much focus and then....a change of perspective.

As with Kelly's book He Said/She Said, there is a psychological twist introduced which stuns. Many of the characters are not what they seem and identies are are surprising when revealed. To reveal more would spoil the ending.

Publication date September 14, 2021 by Mobius Books. Genre: Mystery, Thrillers. 

Thank you to Netgalley for the advanced reader's copy of this book.  I was not compensated for the review, all opinions are mine.

Sharing with Joy for British Isles Friday.

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