Friday, October 15, 2021

56 Days by Catherine Ryan Howard


No one even knew they were together. Now one of them is dead.

Ciara and Oliver meet in a supermarket queue in Dublin and start dating the same week COVID-19 reaches Irish shores.

When lockdown threatens to keep them apart, Oliver suggests they move in together. Ciara sees a unique opportunity for a relationship to flourish without the scrutiny of family and friends. Oliver sees a chance to hide who - and what - he really is.

Detectives arrive at Oliver's apartment to discover a decomposing body inside.
Quoted from Amazon

This synopsis above is what drew me in and I can say I was not disappointed.  As with most mysteries there is that twist where you see how it will be played out but I can honestly say, I didn't see this one.  

Then, there is another twist and surprise to the story which I though was brilliantly woven in. What you'll find early on is both Oliver and Ciara have secrets.  The revelations are slowly introduced and my guesses for each secret was way off base.

When I first started reading it appeared it would be chick lit with budding romance and a simple mystery inserted. The interactions of Oliver and Ciara are a bit stilted at first but as the reader knows they have something to hide, it's understandable. Not chick lit or romance at all.

The storylines will change back and forth to the police investigation in present time then back to 56 days ago when Oliver and Ciara met, then move to 35 days ago as they are living together.  The perspectives and narrator changes as well.  You'll hear Ciara's side of things, Oliver's side and the detectives.

The author Catherine Ryan Howard is a crime writer from Cork Ireland and wrote this novel during the lockdown. 

My reading partner Loki.


  1. Loki looks quite pleased with himself and cozy! I don't think I realized Catherine Ryan Howard was Irish but I do have this book on my TBR. It looks interesting and I like how relevant the topic is.

    1. Katherine, it's spot on for a book of these pandemic times. I like her style and will look for more by this author.

  2. That is so cool that we're already seeing published books about COVID-19. I'm so ready to read some fiction to help process this world-wide event.

    Loki's adorable!

    1. Joy, this is definitely the book if you also want a dose of a mystery, murder and Dublin.

  3. Vicki, it was a pretty good mystery with the realistic lockdown scenarios. Very timely.

  4. This sounds great Tina, but does it include any gore, stalking etc? I tend to read in bed, and don't want anything too nasty before I fall asleep!

    1. Michelle, if you read in bed there are parts you may not want in your head before sleep. That said, I didn't find it scary and enjoyed it. I don't want to ruin the plot by saying what Oliver's secret is.


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