Friday, August 2, 2024

The July Roundup and Turtle Eggs!

Something unusual - we see turtles now and then in the field but this time, we saw one laying eggs!  I looked up the approximate time period for hatching so perhaps I can share turtle baby photos in the future .

Hopefully crows, possums or coyotes don't discover the eggs.  So far no disturbances. 🤞

July reading was quite varied in location and genres. I  had a DNF with Daniel Mason's latest book North Woods.  

Nope 🖓

Still trying to read This Strange Eventful History by Claire Messud but it's slow going.  A host of characters and events happening all at once in the first part of the book.

📚📚   Books read  📚

July book travel took me to New York, Norfolk England, Algeria, France and Greece.

 That's it for the July round up.   Looking forward to more good reading in August and a buddy read of September by Rosamunde Pilcher. I'd love to know what books you favored this month.  Hope life is good for you all :-)

Sharing with Deb at Readerbuzz for Sunday Salon.


  1. I love turtles and hope you post photos of the babies. The book sounds good.

    1. Vicki, I hope I can get photos. Will keep you posted.

  2. Sorry. a cat laid on my keyboard and sent my comment before I was finished. I think I may add The Night of the Flood to my list.

    1. I have had the same thing happen when we had cats. Completely understand :-)

  3. Wow the turtle eggs seem amazing. Very cool. How many are there? I hope you get some baby turtles so we can see them. And I'm curious to hear if the Messud novel is going to work out or not. Hmm. I hope it comes around. Have a great weekend.

    1. Susan, I only saw two eggs and then I backed off in case I was making the tutrle nervous. The Messud book is so slow going for me I might abandon this one. It's an impressive work though.

  4. How cool to see turtles in the wild! Hope the eggs survive all the other critters in your area.

    As you know, North Woods was a DNF for me, too. Oh, well. I am looking forward to re-reading September. Hope I can keep up with you and JoAnn!

    1. Les, I saw turtles laying eggs at a park once and crows got the eggs immediately. So far this "nest" is safe. Yes, North Woods was popular with some but I agree with you on this one. Different tastes for all of us :-)

      I am good to start September mid or late August so I don't think that will be a problem.

  5. You visited some great locations via books this past month! Love it. Have a great weekend!

  6. Turtle eggs! Never seen that in the wild, but I will never forget the thrill of helping a turtle cross the road for the first time! And yes I remembered to put him on the side of the road that he was aiming for, not the side he had just come from.

    1. Jinjer, we see so many turtles crossing and help when we can. We have seen box, gopher and snapper varities in our field. That was pretty wild seeing one lay eggs!

  7. France has been showing up on my monthly travels quite a bit lately and I went to Greece last month but I'm not sure I've ever been to Algeria. Too bad about the DNF but good for you for not suffering through it. I'm trying to get better about that and have improved quite a bit this year. Hopefully the turtle eggs will stay safe! I'm listening to Everyone in My Family Has Killed someone. I wasn't interested in it until the second book came out and at first I wasn't enjoying it but I've really gotten into it now. I like how the narrator breaks the fourth wall quite a bit. Happy August!

    1. Katherine, I have been wondering about Everyone In my Family Has Killed Someone so let me know what you think.
      Hope your weather starts cooling off soon. It's so humid here and now a storm is rolling in. Ought to move fast thoough!

  8. Oh my goodness! Turtle eggs sound amazing. I do hope you are able to get some photos when they hatch. We learned how to monitor for sea turtles on the beach, but we never got time this summer to actually go do any monitoring.

    I was expecting to love North Woods, but, even though I bought a Kindle copy. I have not been able to get into it. So disappointing!

    1. Deb, I'm glad it wasn't just me regarding North Woods. It sounded like an epic story. Will hopefully have turtle photos to share upcoming!!

  9. Ooo so exciting about the turtles!!! I love turtles!

  10. The turtle nest is very cool! Good for you for letting go of a book that didn't work for you -- that's a great way to free up time to find a better one.

  11. Fingers crossed predators don't discover those eggs. Do you have a lot of coyotes in your area like we do? You read some good books in July! I probably won't get to Claire Messud's novel until October or November. With all those characters, I'm not surprised it's taking some effort to get into. Will definitely keep that in mind! I'm looking forward to starting September later in the month... it'll be good to read more Pilcher. Looks like Debby is causing some trouble on Sanibel. There is flooding from the combination of rain and storm surge. Hope you don't have too many problems when it gets there. Take care!

    1. JoAnn, we do have a large pack of coyotes near us. You can hear them getting ramped up at night when we walk the driveaway. Have only seen one extremely close to the house though, breezing through the backyard.

      I bailed on the Messud book. It's hard to pinpoint a good description becuase it had interesting parts and boring parts. Her writing is so good, yet parts were tedious.
      Sorry to hear Debby is causing flooding in Sanibel. We have sandbag stations set up near us and I expect we will get the storm roll over tomorrow.

  12. Very interesting about the turtles and the egg laying. We don't see any turtles in our parts except occasionally out in the country areas.

    1. Judee, we have quite a few crossing our field and in the woodline. First time I've ever seen on on our property lay eggs though!


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