Saturday, August 10, 2024

Women in Translation month and zucchini fritters

Let's start with my PSA regarding turtles and comments :-) So far, no turtles I can see and the nest does not appear to be disturbed but..we have had some serious storms and hard rains so, who knows.  

Also, if you don't see your comment here within 12 hours or so you can email me.  What is up with the spam redirect? Ugh.

What is new....

Watching the first two seasons of The Unit, an older series from 2006.  This is based on Eric Haney's nonfiction book Inside Delta Force.

I have read through the July entries of The Kitchen Diaries. Inspired I prepared the zucchini fritters.  I've done the fritters before and if you'd like to check out that recipe, click HERE to see it on my retired food blog. I've started Nigel's August entries already.

Currently reading A Girl Returned by Donatella Di Pietrantonio for Women in Translation month.

More about this author HERE.

Coming up is September by Rosamunde Pilcher and one other book I haven't decided on yet. I need to rework my summer list as some titles weren't available and I bailed on others.

That's it.  Just in and felt like updating. Hoping you are well, the storms have missed you and you've good books lined up.

Sharing with Deb at Readerbuzz for Sunday Salon.


  1. I hope that the turtle eggs survive! September looks like the perfect read over the next few weeks. Have a great week!

    1. Thank you, I hope so too. It will be a new experience for me for sure!

  2. It's so frustrating when the comments don't appear on a blog. I never really understand why that happens.

    I've never read anything by Rosamunde Pilcher, but obviously she is a much-loved author. I'll be curious to see what you think.

    1. Deb, I have gotten where I check spam daily. Not always early, but I do check now.
      Pilcher has written some big fat novels but I think most are failry short. The big ones, and in my opinion the best stories, are Coming Home and The Shell Seekers.

  3. I just looked at your zucchini fritters from your retired blog and they look amazing. In addition, I was amazed because I had no idea that you were the same Tina!! Can't wait to try those wonderful looking fritters with some potatoes on the side !!

    1. Hi Judee, those fritters are a amazng but don't get impatient and skip the drainage step. They will have too much water otherwise and won't make nice patties. Potatoes on the side sound fantastic.

      Yes, it's me from Squirrel Head Manor :-)

  4. I hope the turtles come through it all. The zucchini fritters look good!

  5. Did you get hit by the Debbie storm? Gosh I hope all is ok and with the turtle eggs too. I'm glad you linked to the zucchini fritters recipe ... because right now we have too many zucchinis in the garden ... and I need to come up with something new. We have zucchinis out the ears. I started the Flynn book ... but have a bit going on so haven't gotten far. I hope you liked it.

    1. Susan, we were on the west of it and had rain, lots of rain. Fortunately we didn't lose electricity but many nwighbors did. Those fritters can be addictive so I hope you enjoy!

  6. Oh, I sued to love Rosamund Pilcher. I'd forgotten all about her. Is she still living? I guess I'd better explore further. Have a wonderful week.

    1. Anne, Pilcher died in 2019 at age 94 but her books are still very popular.

  7. Hopefully the turtle nest and eggs survived! The zucchini fritters sound good!

  8. That sounds like a fun reading/cooking project and those fritters look GOOD!

    Thanks for reminding me I need to check my spam. I don't pre-approve comments at all so I don't understand why anyone keeps getting stuck in there, but they do!

    Fingers crossed the turtles and their eggs survived!

    1. Jinjer, I was thinking about taking the approval thingee off and just deleting the spam as it posts. makes it easier on people to see their comments straught away.

      Oh, you ougght to try the fritters and get some taziki for dipping :-)

  9. I've never had zucchini fritters but I bet I'd love them because I love zucchini and I love fried foods. Please keep us updated on the turtles!

    1. Vicki, it is the time of year for the zucchini to be abundant so I try and find uses for them. I checked the area for the turtles today but haven;t seen anything yet.

  10. I'll be interested in your thoughts on A Girl Returned... I know I have that one here somewhere. Looking forward to reading September, it will be a nice change of pace from my current reads. The zucchini fritters look delicious!!

    1. JoAnn, I am just a bit over the halfway point in the book. Some of it is sad. Oh, please come by for zucchini!!

  11. I'll have to try the zucchini fritters. I've never been able to get along with zucchini bread so I tend to avoid zucchini things. I typically like anything fritter-ed so I might need to reconsider! I have Flynn Berry on my TBR and I really need to re-read September. I haven't read it in ages but remember loving it.

    1. Katherine, I like Flynn Berry's work and I've read all her books. The zucchini cakes can take a while while they drain the excess liquid but they are so tasty!

  12. Yum! Zucchini fritters sound/look delicious. I'm looking forward to reading September, but still have a couple of books that I need to read and return to the library before we head out on our trip. Pilcher will be my main focus once we hit the road!

    1. Les, thank you, the zucchni was great! I bet you are on the road now. I have gotten behind in writing and am only seeing this.

  13. I love that you are going to read September in September, or at least that is what it sounded like.

    1. Nan, the plan was to read in late August as it's a buddy read and JoAnn has a wedding in September so, no time then. I love Pilcher's work.


I’ve had use comment approval due to heavy spam. Sorry! But I check in daily. Thank you very much for visiting 😀

A rainy Sunday

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