Friday, January 31, 2025

Book travel to Australia, England and a nonfiction on deck
#ClassicClub #Nonfiction #BuddyRead

1Here we are Friday already and my week has flown past.  Trying to stay informed  with world events while minimizing the articles about the mentally deficient criminal in chief.  So that means more reading and I can't complain about that :-)

Currently reading /  I am engrossed with two chunksters right now.  Both are on my Classic Club list as well as being buddy reads. Sweet.

Earlier in the month I started The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough, with Deb at Readerbuzz. The publication year is 1977, 692 pages.  I'm around the 70% mark now. Such tragedy in this family saga.

Wednesday I started reading Testament of Youth by Vera Brittain, an autobiographical historical account of Brittain's early life and encompassing the first world war.  Publication date of 1933, 688 pages.  I am buddy reading with JoAnn at Gulfside Musing

/ On deck after those two books is The Story of a Heart by Dr. Rachel Clarke. Just picked it up from the library.  It's about two families, two nine year old children and a transplant.  When Keira Ball is in a horrific car accident her body shut down, except her heart kept beating. Her parents allowed her to be an organ donor. 

Nine year old Max Johnson was fighting a virus causing his heart to fail.  When Max's family got the call they knew it came at a terrible cost to another family. He received Keira's heart.  I bet this book makes me cry.

📚 Also, if anyine is interested, Kate Quinn's book The Rose Code is on sale for Kindle for $1.99 today.  Not sure is that price is good outside the U.S. or if it's a today-only kind of deal but....if you like books about codebreakers during WW II this one is great. 📚


  1. I'm impressed with your chunkster reads, way to go! I have not heard of the Vera Brittain one but now you have me interested. We must keep reading as the criminal in chief is getting worse (is that possible?) and has sunk me quite a bit. Seeing Loki pics make me smile. What a cute dog and personality he is. Our dogs here are keeping me busy: with walks and pats. Wishing you a peaceful weekend.

    1. Susan, I wasn't planning on reading two fatties at once but it's working out well. If the genres weren't so different I might get confused. You would laugh to see the stack of books I have on my shelf to read and donate! I am trying to reduce and only keep the most treasured of books.

      March is Read Ireland month, I saw that on Jinjer's blog, so I have quite the stack for next month. Hope all is well with you. Avoid too much news and please pet Stella and Willow for me.

  2. The Story of a Heart will surely be an emotional read. I look forward to reading your review of it. ☺️

    1. Jodie, it sounds like a good book and i will hopefully get to that very soon.

  3. When I tell people I'm reading Thorn Birds, everyone says how good a read it is. Many people tell me they read it when it first came out. I'm glad we are reading this together. I'm at 41% and the family has just experienced an awful tragedy.

    Your dog is great at Vanna White-ing your books.

    1. Deb, I think I know what you mean...the Paddy section. So much tragedy. I do love a family saga and big fat book. Loki thanks you for his presentation skills :-)

  4. I reread The Thorn Birds a few years ago and was surprised that I'd forgotten so much about the story. I didn't like it as much as my first read, and I'll share my reviews with you once you've finished. I'll bet The Story of a Heart is very touching. I have The Rose Code in my stacks. Guess I should move it to my nightstand. It's gotten such high praise since it first came out.

    1. Les, I liked The Rose Code quite a bit. All of her books are good. I am really looking forward to the nonfiction and may start it after I finish the Aussie novel.

  5. The Thorn Birds is an Australian classic! And a bit controversial really! I haven't read it for many years but remember it fondly!

    Have a great week

    1. Marg, I can see why it's considered controversial! I am enjoying it.

  6. Oh man, The Story of a Heart would probably make me bawl -- that kind of thing always does! Hope it's a good read.

    1. Nicky, I will probably post on that one mid February. Definitely a get-out-the-tissues book.

  7. Looks like a good reading month! Adding The Rose Code to my TBR list.

    1. Olivia, hope you enjoy it. She's a favorite author of mine.

  8. I read Thorn Birds when it first came out and there was a GREAT mini series with Richard Chamberlain as the hot and sexy priest. LOL Us teenage girls were hooked. Do the book and series have the same captivating effects on grown adult women?

    1. Jinjer, Richard Chamberlain was quite the dish back in the day, but I have not seen the tv show. I'll look into THAT after I'm done!

  9. So glad to be finally reading Testament of Youth with you, and I remember lovingThe Thorn Birds. Pretty sure there was a TV miniseries, too. The Rose Code was another really good read. Hope to read The Briar Club sometime this year.

    1. JoAnn, I want to get The Briar Club as well. I have so many books planned right now but if that one comes up in my library holds I will make time for it. It's nice reading with you too! Brittain is quite the scholarly writer and the intro took me some time to get through.

  10. I watched Thorn Birds when it was on tv years ago.
    After reading your post I went to Amazon and got a copy of The Story of a Heart.

    1. Vicki, I hope you like the book you bought, I bet it's sad but I am interested in the process and what the families go through. Life for one comes at a cost for the other. I will have to watch Thorn Birds afterwards!

  11. It's been years since I read The Thorn Birds, probably time for a re-read. The Rose Code was very good.

    1. Claudia, Kate Quinn writes some good books and the research she does is amazing. As you are waaaay closer to Australia than me, have you ever takena trip there? I'm sure it would be a long trip from Hawaii too.,

  12. Testament of Youth looks really interesting. I haven't read Thorn Birds, but I may have seen the miniseries years ago. Not that it's the same thing. The Story of a Heart does sound like a tear jerker. I hope you like it! Have a good week, Tina.

    1. Wendy, I didn't think I could balance two big fat books at the same time but they are so very different so, no confusion. Hope your week is great too!

  13. I have a signed copy of The Thorn Birds from when my parents were guests at a function at her home on Norfolk Island.

    Wishing you a lovely reading week

    1. Shelleyrae, that is so cool you have a signed copy AND your folks met her. I was reading that is where she died after quite a few health problems.

  14. I read The Thorn Birds ages ago and I liked it. My daughter loved The Rose Code!
    Mary @Bookfan

    1. Thanks, Mary. Oh, Kate uinn books get me reeled in with her intricate plots. Glad to have found you via Mailbox Monday.

  15. Saw your comment - The Girl on the Train in play form is fantastic! I suspect I wouldn't like it as much in book form as the characters are all terrible but it makes for a great play.
    The Kate Quinn looks really good and is on my TBR. I've never read Thorn Birds but I do want to at some point. I'm looking forward to seeing your thoughts on that and the other books you have going.

    1. Katherine, the book did have me reading steadily. A page turner, for me anyway. You'd like Kate Quinn books for sure!

  16. Replies
    1. Elizabeth, I am enjoying it very much! Love being immersed in the atmosphere there and family sagas are a favorte of mine,

  17. It looks like you have some really good reading happening!! Enjoy your week. :)


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What a week......

I ended up behind this week in everything. Blogging, correspondence and the house is a  tip.  Tuesday my husband had a dentist appointment a...