Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Snow in north Florida

We had a record amount of snowfall here in north Florida.  Here are a few photos showing Doug walking across our buried driveway from the road toward the house.

This was last night. 👇 I carried Loki to the old RV port in hopes he would do his business because he was NOT going to put paws in the white stuff. I had to take his tiger and toss it in the chair on the porch.  Once I put him down in the covered port he bolted back, snow up to his belly, staring at his tiger in the chair.

Lots of tracks in the morning around the back yard area.  Looked like coyote.

 Wednesday morning - Trudging down the driveway past the shed to see what the road looks like.

The field in the sun.

That's it....I know folks across the U.S. have plenty more snow than us but for Florida this is very unusual. Staying home today because the roads are icy, there are multiple accidents / road closures and we have food and books need to go out.

Hoping you all are safe and warm with a plethora of books!


  1. My world here in Texas looks like we were visited by the same snow fairy. I spent most of yesterday, as the snow was falling, going window to window to snap photos of the snow. It's still here this morning, but it should start to melt a little later in the day.

    1. Deb, I saw you had gotten snow as well. What a crazy winter for the south. I-10 is now closed from the Alabama line to our exit #192. The roads are still slick with ice so, we are in!

    2. I've got a post ready to put up next week. So exciting!

    3. Those (possible) coyote tracks are very neat!

    4. I liked your snow post! The tracks were getting snowed over and maybe it was a bobcat instead. But, we have had coyotes skirt the property we have seen and happy to have a backyard fence between us. It's cool hearing the pack howling at night.

  2. Beautiful! I'm glad you guys got a pretty snow, too! Other than messing up the roads. Love the shot of Loki, checking on his tiger.

    1. Thanks, Stacy! He finally went out in it this morning (Thursday) as it's now hard packed. Wish I could have gotten his photo!

  3. Wow!! This is very impressive! You got some real snow! It really is beautiful. I love all the photos. They show how deep it is. Very funny about Loki.

    1. Nan, this is not an event we have often for sure! Last snow I remember in north FL was in 1984 and it didn't stick but for a few hours. We are still home, roads are closed.

  4. Replies
    1. Shelleyrae, it sure is for Florida standards! Ha. I grew up with snow in Pennsylvania and michigan but this is quite unusual here.

  5. Great photos! A winter wonderland of pretty snow! How unreal for your area. Loki seems not pleased. I hope it gets more manageable for you all. You have more snow than we do, Crazy. You better just wait till it melts to go out -- keep reading. And is that a bird bath you have there? We might get one this summer for bird watching. Stay cozy.

    1. Thanks, Susan. I have enjoyed tromping through it. We stayed in several days because it was too dangerous to drive on the iced roads. But I do have plenty of books!
      Yes, we have a birdbathes in the front and back. When the spring and summer heat arriuves the birds love having a place to get a cool dip. I end up filling them several times a day as some birds fling the water out with energetic bathing.

  6. Thanks for the photos. It makes it easier to imagine snow in Florida!

    1. Joy, absolutely! If it ever happens again I will get on that snowman project before the snow is too hard to shape. Ha!

  7. Beautiful photos of all that snow. Amazing to see so many people sharing photos in areas that never (or rarely ever) get snow. Glad you had plenty of books, movies and food to keep you indoors. Even if you knew how to drive in those conditions, others don't (as we learned when we lived in Fort Worth).

    1. Thanks, Les. We stayed home with the excpetion of trying to go down a country road we live on, had to turn around. Otherwise I read and took photos and baked!

  8. Replies
    1. Loki eventually found a grassy strip under the eaves of the house to go pee! When the snow became hard the next day he walked across it. It was crazy!


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