Sunday, August 22, 2021

Masterpiece: Amercia's 50-Year-Old Love Affair with British Television Drama

This book was an Amazon Deal and I wish I had gotten the hard cover instead of a Kindle version when it was on sale. There are too few photos in my opinion but the book is interesting all the same.

Fifty years of detail about the different series and programs put on by Masterpiece Theater over the years will have you scrolling through the pages.  There are some programs I didn't know about so I will request those through the library.

 Here we have Kenneth Branagh as Wallander.

 The photography is very good but as I said, far too few photos.

There is a map for the shows as well.

Overall, this book isn't what I expected but I do like reading it here and there.  Warning about the Kindle version - the photos do not line up with the descriptions and that was quite confusing at first.  If you can get this on a deal price it will be worth it if you are a fan of Masterpiece Theater but after seeing it, I wouldn't have paid the $30 they are asking now.


  1. Kindles do have these limitations, that's for sure.
    I might pay that much for the print version. I have watched from the very beginning, though I wouldn't be happy about not many pictures.

    1. Nan, I haven't watched since the beginning but I have enjoyed any shows from Masterpiece. I still remember Alistair Cooke presenting!

  2. I just bought the print version - 23.75 for HC! I am psyched, and thank you so much for writing about it.

    1. Nan, I do hope you enjoy it. Probably the print version is much better,

  3. That Masterpiece map is super cool!

  4. Vicki, if i see it go on sale again I will let you know

  5. $30 does sound to high for this but I will keep an eye on it. I'd love to read it and it sounds like a good gift for my mother as well!


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