Friday, December 17, 2021

A Bit About Britain's High Days and Holidays by Mike Biles


This is a book any history buff and Anglophile in your family would love to receive.  As the title states this is a short narrative about the holidays celebrated in Britain.  The history behind each is explained and with some chapters a recipe is included.  

Shove Tuesday includes a recipe for pancakes from a 1920's cookbook.  The large and well written section on Christmas includes a simnel cake recipe which is on my list to try. A very interesting background about the Scottish poet Robert Burns includes current and past traditions and a menu for a Burns Day feast. 

If you'd enjoy learning about the backgrounds for St. Andrews day, St David's day, halloween and St George's day then this is the book. The Christmas section is very well detailed and I loved those chapters.  Also, the fact that the author hates Brussels sprouts being included in a Christmas feast, or any meal for that matter, makes him a kindred spirit.  Vile sprouts, ugh.

I enjoyed this book almost as much as the well written A Bit about Britain's History. Both  would make a lovely gift.

If you're interested, check out my review of Mr. Biles' historical book here.

Sharing with Joy's Book Blog for British Isles Friday.


  1. This looks great! What a festive book to have in your personal library this time of year.

    1. Joy, it’s a bargain on Amazon for kindle!

  2. Oh this sounds fascinating! I love history and while I've heard of a number of the holidays I don't think I have a super good gripon what a lot of them are.

    1. Katherine, it's an informative book and well laid out.


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