Saturday, June 29, 2024

June books and flowers

 Reading and plants

The caladiums were a surprise in two ways.  Last year they were stunning but died off when we had temps below 40 F/3C.  Honestly, I thought they were gone and Doug was going to plant bushes when they were - suddenly they emerged. Also did not know they blossomed with pods.  There other photo is a Strawberry Candy Day Lily. That one was expected.

June reading was quite varied in location and genres. This month I did not have a single DNF and completed five books.  Yea!

Here's Loki, my reading buddy 🐕

📚📚   Books read  📚📚

Dear Edward by Ann Napolitano

I enjoyed The Flight of Gemma Hardy much more than this one by Livesey

June book travel took me to New Jersey, Manhattan, England, Wales, Scotland and France.

 That's it for the June round up.   Looking forward to more good reading in July. I'd love to know what books you favored this month.  Hope life is good for you all :-)

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  1. What a lovely surprise to have your caladiums come back! We've had a couple of freezes that knocked my plants out and I have been shocked to see them recover.

    You had a good reading month, Tina. It must be because of your reading buddy.

    1. Deb, it was indeed a pleasant surprise to see these caladiums return. I started a notebooks to record how the plants do during extreme weather and the seasons. Next year I will know about the caladiums!
      Thanks, it was a good reading month, Whale Fall was very short though :-)

  2. Your day lily is gorgeous. I like the double colors. I have a yellow one with purple stripes I found at a garden center in upper NY years ago.

    1. Thank you, Harvee. It's amazing the many colors these plants have, such variety.

  3. That's a good month of reading! I love your plant photos. Oh, and Loki, too!

    1. Thank you Joy, I love learning about plants.

  4. Loki is looking good .... as well as the flowers -- wonderful that they survived. You had a good reading month. Little disappointed Whale Fall wasn't better, but Major Pettigrew makes up for it. Enjoy your reads in July.

    1. Susan, Whale Fall wasn't bad, it was short and I had hopes for our main character to have a good life - the one she wanted. Loved Major Pettigrew!

  5. The plants emerged. Yay! Plants rebirth is simply a miracle.

  6. Sounds like you have a good reading month. Here's hoping July is just as good.

    1. Thanks very much, Mark! happy reading to you as well.

  7. Whale Fall sounds like a good read. And Loki is so darn cute!

    1. Erin, Loki is a cutie, thank you. He's also a very stubborn dog so it's challenging at times. haha

  8. Erin, Loki is a cutie, thank you. He's also a very stubborn dog so it's challenging at times. haha

  9. The flowers are beautiful! I hope to have my June reading wrap-up done tomorrow. I don't know how many books I have finished this month, at least 15, I think. Have a great week!

    1. Thanks, Cindy. Off to visit you and I would say 15 is indeed quite an accomplishment!

  10. Beautiful flowers and plants and always good to see Loki! I think I have that Dear Edward on my list so Imma hop over to your review.

    1. Jinjer, I appreciate that! Hope you like the Edward book. I have been reading more because it's so awfully hot, I am in a lot.

  11. I love it when flowers that you thought had gone come back! Yours are so beautiful!

    You have book travelled to some lovely places!

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    1. Emily, the plants were such a surprise. Armchair travel is the way for me to go these days :-)

  12. Beautiful flowers and beautiful Loki! I bought Major Pettigrew's Last Stand when I went to The Strand the last time I was in NYC.

    1. Vicki, I hope you enjoy the story. I liked it very mucha nd would look for more of her work.


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