Thursday, October 3, 2024

September Reading Roundup

Hello October!  Yesterday we drove to a park where Loki likes to walk and saw the parking was roped off to a small area.  The National Guard was set up, available to give people ready made meals and tarps.  It was astonishing to see the number of vehicles coming through to pick something up. What a horrible path of devastation this storm left. I am hoping, as are we all, the rest of the hurricane season is quieter.

We lost water for a bit and are still using bottled water for cooking, brushing our teeth, etc.  Water is back and we have a boil notice but that's just a minor inconvenience.

September reading was quite varied in location and genres. I  did not have a DNF this time :-)  Thanks to hurricane Helene I finished two books in record time.  This knocks out four books I had listed for my fall reading.

📚📚   Books read  📚

September book travel took me to Vermont, Maine, New York, Long Island, Ireland, England and Ibiza.

 That's it for the September round up.   Looking forward to more good reading in October. I'd love to know what books you favored this month.  Hope life is good for you all :-)

Sharing with Deb at Readerbuzz for Sunday Salon. and Joy's Book Blog for Britsh Isles Friday for Long Island and The Life Impossible.


  1. Good job with your reading! My reading has been almost nonexistent this year, which has only happened to me once before. I've only read 2 books. I'm hoping I snap out of it before '25.

    1. Vicki, sometimes I get in a slump and it takes "that book" to get me going. Hope you find yppur reading mojo soon. Thanks for following me on Instagram! I am starting over there.

  2. Glad you all have water back. Hopefully the boil notice won't last too much longer. My husband's uncle is still without water, but hopeful for it this weekend. Have a great weekend!

    1. Cindy, we have gotten back to getting water from our faucets, the boil notice is gone. Thankfully. Hope the uncle gets his back soon!

  3. I wouldn't even know what to DO if I was under a boil water notice. Is that really all you do? Just boil the water and then it's ok to use?

    I'm glad your water is BACK and that you were able to get some good books read at least!

    1. Jinjer, I read quite a bit! Yes, you boil the water for drinking and cooking, cool it obviously. But we went and bought bottled water for brushing our teeth, making coffee, drinking. A real pain but we have it better than many others who had some real damage.

      Hating on Florida living now with a new tropical storm in the gulf!

  4. I’m so sorry for you and everyone else that were impacted by the hurricane. Take care and have a great weekend.

  5. Glad to hear you are okay after the hurricane!

  6. I'm so sorry about the devastation that the hurricane left. I am glad that efforts to help those who have been hurt by the storm are underway. During the hurricanes that have hit us here, I am always surprised to see how kind and giving others are.

    I've just checked out your reviews---thank you so much for sharing your thoughts about them, Tina.

    1. Deb, we had a lucky break with the direction it took but it is so awful what happned to neighboring counties. It is nice to see poeple come together and help.

      Glad you could see the reviews! I am not always great with copying the links :-)

    2. Deb, we had a lucky break with the direction it took but it is so awful what happned to neighboring counties. It is nice to see poeple come together and help.

      Glad you could see the reviews! I am not always great with copying the links :-)

  7. What a tragic situation it is. :( I am glad that people were able to get some relief - and that you now have running water again. Stay safe. I will be praying for you all!

    1. Thank you, Erin. There are many times I miss Michigan and Pennsylvania! For many reasons.....

  8. You had a good reading month & good reads. My husband is reading Heller's Burn novel now and flying through it. Helene was awful and I donated to some Appalachia site per Barbara Kingsolver's request on Instagram. I'm glad your house was spared from much destruction. Hi to Loki.

    1. Susan, Loki says hello back to you and Willow and Stella. I love the name Stella and that's what I "named" my Kindle in Amazon for delivery to a device. It's also my mother's name and my name on Instagram :-)

      It was a great month for me and I expect the reading will slow down for October. We will visit Nebraska and while I always bring a Kindle, I rarely get to read. Burn was good but I have liked his other books more. The Orchard had me curious about the girl's name Frith so I have requested The Snow Goose to read about her namesake.

      Thanks much for your good wishes and now Milton is on the way. I am hurricane weary.

    2. Stella will be pleased to hear that her name is liked so much. :-) and you have ties to that name as well. We named her that in 2012 after a sailing trip past Amherst Island in Ontario, Canada, which has a little town on it we visited called Stella. lol. And the name stuck after coming home.
      I think my husband had the same reaction to Burn as you did ... all right but not his best. Enjoy your trip.

  9. So glad to hear you escaped much of the devastation. I am waiting for Long Island.

    1. Thanks, Jackie! I enjoyed Long Island and want kore of that crazy story.

  10. Such a difficult time with the storm aftermath. I love that you include where you books took you during the month.

    1. Sarah, thank you for visiting. I like to armchair travel and thoought it would be a cool thing to add. I have a link on the right side of my page for countries and it links to books set in each. Have a great reading week!

  11. I'm keeping an eye on Tropical Storm Milton for you and feeling so powerless!
    I'm glad you could get some reading done during the storm.

    1. Thank you, Joy. We are weary of watching the storms and if you asked me, I would move away! We will see what happens after our midwest trip upcoming.

  12. Hurricane Helene did give us extra reading time, didn’t it? I am glad you are almost back to normal. This is the first time I’ve felt lucky to have a well.

    1. Olivia, anytime we get lots of rain I am in and most likely reading! Having a well can be great, our son had that at one place he rented near here yaers back. But when the electricity goes oout , no water. He has moved out of state now though.

  13. I'm glad you are doing better after Helene. Now we have Milton to worry about. This seems to be a very active hurricane season. I hope you and your family are safe.

    1. Yvonne, thank you very much.....I will sure be happy when the season is over.

  14. You had a great reading month and I really enjoyed some of the books you read, too. Here we are a week after Helene, many still cleaning up while getting ready for the next storm - Milton! It's going to be another long worrisome week...

    1. JoAnn, I did enjoy those books, welll....most of them, very much! These storms are getting worse and we are wondering if we'd rather deal with a abit of snow, lol.

  15. I am glad you had a good reading month, despite everything. The devastation from the hurricane was horrific. I have been following Milton and hoping it doesn't make the situation so much worse for everyone impacted. I hope you are safe.

    1. Thank you, Wendy. I appreciate it. These storms are just getting worse every year.

  16. So glad water is back and hope you stay safe through Milton! I'm impressed you got so much reading done and that you had no DNFs. Sipsworth was an audiobook daily deal and I missed it! I'm so annoyed with myself.

  17. The storms in the US are awful, glad you came through it fairly okay!


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If it's raining I'll be in the kitchen with a book

This week I have gotten quite a bit of reading time in.  We had storms for several days with unrelenting rain causing mini ponds to form in ...